
65 SOCIAL CLUBS Shantih’s New Sisters Shantih welcomes the members of Zeta Pi Zeta. BEAUXED AGAIN Senior Shantih beau Logan Hoffner attends GAC open house. Hoffner was one of the three beaux to join Shantih at the beginning of the year. Photo by: Grace Hurt HAPPY TO BE HERE Freshman Yuki Fujisawa stands with a group of potential new members talking about Shantih. Fujisawa, along with three other members and three beaux, joined Shantih from Zeta Pi Zeta in the fall. Photo by: Grace Hurt Women’s social club Zeta Pi Zeta (ZPZ) voted to merge with women’s social club Shantih in the spring of 2022. ZPZ was chartered in 2009 and ended with 12 women and four beaux remaining. The ultimate decision to disband the club and join Shantih was unanimous. “The merge took place because the ZPZ girls wanted to remain together in a club, but many could not commit to being officers,” senior Lauren Masteller, spring 2022 ZPZ president, said. “Both clubs bonded last semester, and it already felt like we were all in the same club.” This led to Shantih welcoming four women and three beaux from ZPZ into their club. With the merger of the two clubs, the beaux as well as the women had a positive experience. “I’d say it’s been fun,” senior Shantih beau Davis Buckley said. “I was pretty good friends with some of the beaux before the merger anyway, so it’s cool to get to share this blessing with them too. At least half of our total beaux right now are also in the same club anyway, ROME, and [ROME has] a few Shantih queens as well.” The two clubs previously collaborated for events such as club sports, service projects and Spring Sing, so the transition was natural. ZPZ’s disbandment meant leaving behind their own traditions and learning the deep-rooted traditions of Shantih, chartered in 1973. “I’m not sure if there will be many traditions carried on from ZPZ,” Mastellar said. “As the semester continues, I believe the ZPZ girls will help Shantih develop new traditions that will bond everyone together.” For some of the members, sponsors and beaux, having to merge the two clubs was an emotional process. Shantih welcomed the new members openly. “I haven’t been a beau for super long, but I will say, I love how our girls have welcomed ZPZ with open arms and open hearts,” Buckley said. “It always makes me smile to see how they glorify God through their embrace of true friendship.” The fall semester was an important time for clubs to recruit new members. The merging of the two clubs made this process especially exciting for junior Shantih member Anna Caldwell. “I’m hoping that it will help boost our numbers even more,” Caldwell said. “I love being in a small club, but I definitely worry about the future of Shantih since so many of our members are juniors and seniors. We’ve got a lot of energy and a whole lot of heart, and I’m hoping that the addition of the ZPZ members and their energetic personalities will help show people what an amazing and unique club Shantih is.” Written by: Athya McBride