
58 In fall 2022, women’s social clubs Zeta Rho and Ju Go Ju teamed up for a bingo function with an added twist. The two clubs met in the Claud Rogers Lee Building to play bingo dressed as elderly women to mimic the bingo games played at nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The women who attended the bingo night competed for gift cards to Midnight Oil, Sonic, Starbucks and Target. Ju Go Ju member junior Megan Prater helped plan the event and talked about the decision to bring the two clubs together by dressing up and playing bingo. “This summer I worked with a ton of alumni,” Prater said. “What I loved about being around them is that while they had club pride, they all just got along and had Harding and the Lord to connect them. It got me thinking that is the mindset we should have, just getting together and having fun. Someday we will all be in places of the country dispersed, and we will have Harding to connect us above all. I think it was a cute and fun glimpse into our future.” A function combining two women’s clubs meant twice the planning. Junior Zeta Rho member Hartley Carroll also helped plan the event. She talked about the benefits of planning and having a function with another club. “Ju Go Ju came to Zeta Rho and asked us to do something,” Carroll said. “They had the bingo idea in mind, and then we put the twist on dressing up as old ladies just because we like to be silly. It was difficult finding a time that worked for both clubs, but it was super easy because we just texted back and forth. It was fun seeing both sides be funny and have fun together.” BINGO BATTLE The women of Ju Go Ju and Zeta Rho come together for a joint function. Bailey Coffman, a junior in Ju Go Ju, talked about how this event helped break social club stereotypes. “Zeta Rho and Ju Go Ju don’t normally do a lot together, so it was really fun to do a little function with a club we are normally rivals with,” Coffman said. “It was a really fun coming together thing, especially at the beginning of the semester with mixers and pledging and everything. It was kind of a statement that we’re still all friends even though we are both recruiting really hard.” Carroll talked about how this positive experience of doing a function with another club opened doors to having more combined functions in the future. “We have talked about doing another function with DGR and PTP possibly,” Carroll said. “It’s fun doing it with different clubs and getting outside your club and meeting new people.” Written by: Ethan Conn