
303 COLOPHON Appreciation The Petit Jean staff works in the Student Publications office, located on the first floor of the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Music and Communcation. Any correspondence can be sent to the Petit Jean, Harding University, Box 10812, Searcy, Arkansas, 72149. Students enrolled in 12 credit hours or more both semesters have paid sufficient general fees to cover the $40 cost of the yearbook. Depending on their enrollment status for the year, others are charged full or half price. The Petit Jean is a member of the Arkansas College Media Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Press Hall of Fame. The staff of the 2022-23 Petit Jean yearbook would like to thank those who made this labor of love possible. Without your help and support this book would not be what it is now. To April Fatula, Student Publications adviser, thank you for the constant support and love. Without you by our side this book would not have happened as smoothly as it did. Thank you for all of the hours editing our stories and helping our big ideas come to life. You are our mentor and friend, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. ToJohnny Cole & Barb Tschannen, our Walsworth advisers, thank you both so much for your help throughout the year. You fixed our mistakes and communicated efficiently with us to create a great book. ToTod Traughber, our InDesign hero, thank you for always coming into the office at a moments notice. We recognize your willingness to make yourself available to help in a crisis. To Emma Jones, editor-in-chief of the Bison Newspaper, thank you for being my work and travel buddy, but most importantly my friend. I could not have created the yearbook without your input and constant support. You brought me peace in the office when things were chaotic. To Kayla Robertson, Student Publications administrative assistant, thank you for the organization in the office and doing things behind the scenes that we may not notice. Thank you for editing every single spread we lay on your desk and for providing snacks during deadline. To Jeff Montgomery, director of photo services for the University, thank you for providing photos and assistance to our photographers. Your work is appreciated and needed during the creation of the yearbook. To Hannah Lawerence, editor-in-chief of the 2021-22 Petit Jean yearbook, thank you for giving me the confidence to take on this role as editor-in-chief. If I did not have your encouragement I would not have produced my biggest acomplishment yet. To President Mike Williams, thank you for your support of the Petit Jean and your leadership on campus. We recognize your efforts to innovate Harding as we enter into this new era. To students, faculty & staff, thank you for innovating Harding. Without your stories we would not be able to make this book. Our yearbook is Harding history and you are all a part of that. To Watkins & Emily, layout & design editors, thank you for being my rock and making my ideas into reality. I truly would not have been able to create this project without your creativity and hard work. I love you both!