
301 IN MEMORY OF Hallie O’Quine was a graduate student in multiple programs at Harding who died May 30, 2022. She was in her third year pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree while also pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree through the online program. Originally from Marksville, Louisiana, O’Quine was born Dec. 24, 1994. She received an undergraduate degree in chemistry from Xavier University in New Orleans in 2017. She was baptized as a child at Starlight Baptist Church in Marksville and remained a member her entire life. “She gave life all she had and lived each day as if it was her last,” O’Quine’s obituary stated. “Her fun-loving personality and vibrant smile will be remembered by all who knew her.” O’Quine had an autoimmune disease that required her to receive a double lung transplant. In 2018, her peers in the College of Pharmacy helped raise money for the transplant through selling T-shirts. “She has such a positive mindset and gives all of her effort regardless of the situation,” Dr. Jeff Mercer, former dean of the College of Pharmacy, said in the 2018-19 Petit Jean yearbook while O’Quine was awaiting the transplant.“Put simply, she looks to serve others rather than to be served.” Those who knew her emphasized her positivity and perseverance through any struggles she may have faced. Written by: Caroline Slater IN MEMORY OF Hallie O’Quine