292 PHOTOGRAPHER F A V O R I T E S In the age of digital media it would seem that photos have lost the magic and wonder they once held. It is our goal as photographers to reignite that wonder by sharing our individual stories and the story of Harding in the 2022-23 academic year. By capturing these moments in one frame we aim to tell a story that will reinforce these memories years from now. It is our hope that in future years you will be able to pull out this book, the memories will flood back to you, and we will have effectively done our job. We may have the camera, but without you we would not be able to tell these stories. Julianne Baker HONORING THE LOST Denise Gooden carries a photo of her late husband Tom Goodmen through the brotherhood walk. The class of 1972 returned to campus during Homecoming Weekend to celebrate their 50th reunion.