
127 PEOPLE Over Thanksgiving break in 2021, junior Lynley Eller suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. After nine months of intensive recovery including speech, occupational and physical therapy, Eller returned to Harding in fall 2022. Senior Grace Winfree knew Eller from church in their hometown of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The two grew close during Winfree’s freshman year at Harding, when Eller made the decision to attend Harding the following year. Winfree gave Eller advice on college preparations and became a mentor to her. Winfree and Eller were both members of women’s social club Zeta Rho. Eller joined in fall 2021, the same semester as the accident. After the news broke, Zeta Rho banded together and had club meetings to decide how to best help Eller. They started a GoFundMe that spread across the world to help with medical bills, multiple members volunteered their free time to stamp buttons for on-campus purchase, and all members signed a Harding blanket that they gave to Eller. “I would do anything to be there for her because she has inspired me so much,” Winfree said. SHE’S A FIGHTER Junior Lynley Eller recovers from a traumatic brain injury. GRILL POWER Lynley Eller tailgates with juniors Jayda Lynn and Leah Gray. She helped start off the football season with friends at the Zeta Rho tailgate. Photo courtesy of: Lynley Eller With friends and family by her side, Eller endured months of recovery and therapy while many worked to support her however they could. “My parents have been my rock when the darkness tries to sweep me away,” Eller said. As soon as visitors were allowed, people reassured Eller that she had the strength it took to recover. Since her recovery started, progress on her speech and movement increased consistently. Sophomore Julia Jenkins also knew Eller from church. Jenkins had lunch with Eller the day of the accident and was one of the last people to see her before the crash. Jenkins called Eller’s recovery a miracle and saw how the Lord was prevalent in the healing journey. “She is obviously still recovering, but it is just so wonderful to see the way she is doing so well being in the place she loves so dearly,” Jenkins said. “Lynley is just such a bright light on this campus, and I’m so very thankful that I know her.” Written by: Elizabeth Dillard