10 In spring 2022, women’s social clubs Phi Kappa Delta (PKD) and Delta Gamma Rho (DGR) teamed up with men’s social club Omega Phi to create “Haunted Harding,” a touching story about Harding’s community of inclusivity. Each year, students across campus gathered together to put on Spring Sing, an elaborately choreographed variety show for an audience with members across generations. Harding University’s 2022 Spring Sing show, “Moments”, was especially important because it was the first show in two years without COVID-19 regulations. “Moments” was also special to “Haunted Harding” members because it was the first time that PKD, DGR and Omega Phi teamed up to create a show. Previously, PKD had been part of other shows unofficially. “[The previous directors] were trying to set the future generations up for success,” PKD Spring Sing director junior Anna Grace Haley said. “We had never really experienced the full Spring Sing thing.” What made “Haunted Harding” stand out the most was the story of monsters that come out after curfew to find a place in the Harding community. “While I don’t necessarily find myself in any clique of any sort, I can definitely relate to experiencing what it’s like to be around those things and feeling on the outside like the monsters did,” junior Omega Phi dance captain Eli Smith said. “One of my favorite things about Harding is the community … just to have that exemplified in a show blatantly was so perfect for how I see Harding.” The story of “Haunted Harding” touched not only the audience but the judges as well. In the awards ceremony at the end of Spring Sing, the show won the music award and the entertainment award, although these awards were overshadowed by the overall win of the John H. Ryan Sweepstakes Award. “There was a lot of shock and disbelief but also so much pride in the team of people that worked so hard Late For Curfew? Spring Sing 2022 winners show inclusivity on campus with the heartfelt story of “Haunted Harding.” on our show,” senior DGR Spring Sing director Ann Marie Diamond said. “The most memorable aspect for me was seeing our cast come together in celebration of the thing we had accomplished together. A Spring Sing show is nothing if it doesn’t have an amazing cast of people making the show their own and we definitely had that.” Written by: Bailey Ridenour