2021-2022 Yearbook

86FALL ORGANIZATIONS American Studies Insti-DUKE Executive Director of ASI John Richard Duke develops his vision for the organization. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE John Richard Duke underwent more change than most when he was named the executive director of the American Studies Institute (ASI) in fall 2021. Duke’s leadership was underway and plans were laid out for what was to come. “We’d like to get students involved, figure out ways to make American Studies academic in nature and still attract high level speakers to speak on it,” Duke said. “There will be speakers and student events, and we also help host groups like the Special Olympics and Girl’s State in our conference center.” In order to help Duke with his administrative work, seniors Konrad Heyen and Seth Sims were appointed to serve as cochairmen of ASI. “I’m excited to work with him because he’s a history professor and has been involved with ASI for a long time,” Heyen said. “I think that he can bring a lot about what he knows about American history and studying American history and ASI to the table, and I think that will be great.” Sims also mentioned what the Harding community could look forward to, emphasizing how Duke’s personal vision of ASI would complement and continue previous Executive Director Kim Kirkman’s leadership. “There are some things in the works that would be potentially very beneficial to students on campus, but that might not occur this year due to COVID and other things,” Sims said. “But, I definitely see ASI being more involved on campus and being a more prominent figure in student’s lives, and he will add on to what [Kirkman] was doing.” While Duke and his team were excited to execute the vision they had of ASI’s presence on campus, the root of this excitement was simply founded in servantship. “It’s an exciting opportunity,” Duke said. “It’s just another way to serve on Harding’s campus.” WRITTEN BY JACKSON SAYLOR DUKES UP Associate professor of history and political science John Richard Duke smiles for the camera in September 2021. Duke continued the progress made by previous ASI Executive Director Kim Kirkman. Photo by: Jaxon Nash