328REFERENCE CLOSING CLOSING Closing Thank you to: The staff of the 2021-22 Petit Jean yearbook would like to thank those who helped to make this project possible. TO APRIL FATULA, Student Publications adviser: Thank you for filling in the gaps, helping us navigate situations and making all last minutes edits. We would not have made it without your constant cheering in the background. TO KAYLA ROBERTSON, Student Publications administrative assistant: Thank you for always being supportive of our work. You did it all and helped us stay positive as we worked on this publication. TO JOHNNY COLE, our Walsworth representative: Thank you for driving to campus so many times to meet with us. Your willingness to work with us throughout this school year made our lives easy. TO TOD TRAUGHBER, our go-to for design help: Thank you for always answering our phone calls when we felt the yearbook was falling apart. You helped keep us sane. You’re the man. TO JILL FOWLER, our Walsworth support representative: Thank you for being such a big help with all of our Walsworth questions. Conversations with you were always easy, and whatever problems we had were handled so quickly. It was so helpful to have you in our corner. TO JEFF MONTGOMERY, director of photo services for the University: Thank you for bending over backward to provide any missing pieces to our book, even after hours. You are a great friend of Student Publications. TO KALLISTA SOUTHER, our Walsworth designer: Thank you for bringing our design to life in both the cover and end sheet design. You so flawlessly created designs that perfectly encapsulated our theme. TO HOLLY TUBBS, editor in chief of the 2020-21 Petit Jean: Thank you for your consistent support and laughs over shared yearbook experiences. You have been so helpful to all of us, especially me TO EVERETT KIRKMAN, editor in chief of The Bison newspaper: Thank you for working with us so well this year. You have been a constant source of joy to all on the yearbook staff. TO DAVID BURKS, president of the University: Thank you for your continued encouragement of the Petit Jean. This book would not exist without your support. TO LAURIE DILES, chair of the Communication Department: Thank you for being one of our main advocates. We would not be where we are without you. You rock. TO THE STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF: Thank you for sharing your stories with us. We could not have reframed this year without you. HARDING HAS BEEN THROUGH A LOT — shifts in leadership, social unrest, COVID-19 guidelines and the release of the vaccine, events that attempt to break the familiar framework of our college lives. Harding norms were stripped away, and we were left grasping for past comforts. Students, faculty and administrators shifted their focus to accommodate the needs of a rare moment in history. Our campus rebuilt on unsteady ground, and we will move forward with resilience and confidence in the new frame we established together. WRITTEN BY HANNAH KELLUM