2021-2022 Yearbook

219 PORTRAITS DESIGNED BY OLIVIA DUNN Mike McGalliard, Sc.D. dean of College of Allied Health Candace Moore, B.B.A. assistant VP of University communications and marketing Jeff Montgomery, B.A. dir. of photo services Jeff Mercer, Pharm.D. dean of College of Pharmacy Lolita Meredith, M.S. dir. of McNair Project Lew Moore, Ph.D. dir. of counseling center and chair of MFT Zach Neal, M.A.T. assistant VP of student life and dean of students John Noah, B.A. dir. of business office Stephanie O’Brian, Ed.S. dir. of Upward Bound Audra Pleasant, J.D. exec. dir. of international programs Emily Roberts, B.B.A. dir. of donor relations Jonathan Roberts, Ed.D. dir. of financial aid David Ross, MBA assistant VP of human resources Craig Russell, M.A. dir. of public safety Bridget Smith, B.A. dir. for disability services Randy Smith dir. of postal services Dana Steil, Ph.D. assistant provost Abby Stinnett, B.A. dir. of campus life Marcus Thomas, M.S.E. assistant dean of students Jean Waldrop, M.S. dir. of Brackett Library John Mark Warnick, Ed.S. assistant registrar Danny Wood manager of Harding Press Jonathan Wood, J.D. dir. of Waldron Center