2020-2021 Yearbook

48 HUE HUE The HUE program takes a new look at the future. Many things changed in the world when COVID-19 precautions were put in place in 2020. Learning was done remotely, and restrictions were enforced to curb the spread of the infectious disease. Students studying abroad were forced to return to the United States, and almost all events and plans on campus immediately ceased. At Harding University in England (HUE) directors Lauren and Tyler Knight had to figure out what fall 2020 would look like without students. Students who planned to attend HUE in 2020 were forced to find alternative options for the fall in case their trip was canceled due to COVID-19. Sophomore Ashlyn Nutt had signed up to attend HUE in fall 2020, but was forced to find new options afterit was canceled. “I think the most disappointing part was just how much you anticipate seeing all of these new sights and meeting new people, and then realizing that all of it can’t happen right now” Nutt said. Executive Director of International Programs Audra Pleasant said the toughest challenge during the pandemic was balancing realism and hope. She discussed the challenges in travel reopening around the world and the hope of sending students to other countries to experience studying abroad. “Balancing [travel] while also ensuring that we are being 100% responsible, not only to our students, but also to our staff and to the local communities that we are truly blessed to be able to work with [was difficult],” Pleasant said. Sophomore Savannah Lee hadn’t planned on studying abroad prior to coming to Harding, but she immediately fell in love with the idea of traveling the world. “I was so excited for the amazing places we would visit on this once in a lifetime opportunity,” Lee said. Both Nutt and Lee were disappointed when COVID-19 did not allow them to attend HUE. The HUE program planned to welcome students in the summer of 2021, along with resuming normal fall semester programs in the future. “I know that whatever happens happens and that I’m grateful for at least having the opportunity to try to go again, fingers crossed,” Nutt said. story by Jaxon Nash Is this a roundabout? Senior Vanessa Kirkland stands in front of a merry-go-roundin Honfluer Harbor, France. In addition to the educational parts of the trip, students experienced the culture of a different part of the world. | photo by Vanessa Kirkland Knows When We’ll Go?