2020-2021 Yearbook

326 DEFINITION Those who test positive for COVID-19 must be isolated. Isolation lasts 10 days from either onset of symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test and continues until you are fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medications) and symptoms are improved. Someone who has been within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more, with or without a cloth face mask, over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset until the time the person who has tested positive is isolated. Students or employees in isolation due to a positive COVID-19 test. A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. Herd Immunity Close Contact Active Cases Isolation Family Unit DEFINITIONS 2020-21 EDITION Members of the sa e house, suite or room, are considered “family” and are therefore not required to wear face masks or social distance in the living quarters.