2019-2020 Yearbook

Harding social clubs partnered with Lamplight Ministry to host a Halloween party for local children. Women's social club Delta Gamma Rho (DGR) teamed up with men's social club Sub T-16 (Sub T) for a service project to encourage the children of Searcy to get into the Halloween spirit. What began as an idea to host a "trunk-or-treat" for children in the area grew into a Halloween party partnered with Lamplight Ministry. Lamplight typically hosted holiday parties for the children living in the neighborhood behind College Church of Christ, which created an opportunity for social clubs to get involved. DGR and Sub T usually participated in two or three service projects per semester. Junior Sara Hix, service director for DGR, said participating in a project for young children on Halloween was one of the club's goals. "It started because we wanted to do a service project with Sub T - something that people would enjoy coming to and something that would be fun," Hix said. "Lamplight was super welcoming and invited us to set up four of our own tables for the kids." The Halloween party included pumpkin bowling, candy corn relay races, face painting and other crafts. The two clubs also spent time with the children at the neighborhood's playground and played various games. Sophomore McCartney Paul, service director for Sub T, said he was anxious to see how the party would pan out but was ultimately happy with the results. · "We had about 50 or so people come to the Halloween party between the two clubs," Paul said. "The kids were running around and spending time getting to know us and playing games with the other students. It was a great opportunity for two different social circles to be able to get together and spend time pouring into the lives of children that truly needed to be invested in.". Lamplight Ministry worked with other social clubs prior to the Halloween party. Every year, they hosted an annual Thanksgiving craft party and Christmas talent show for children. Senior Tatum Watson, co-director of Lamplight, said she appreciated when social clubs reached out to them and participated with their ministry. "On behalf of the volunteers and kids, I would like to thank all the participants who came out to help with the Halloween party," Watson said. "We appreciate your service, and we hope to see you again at Lamplight." _story by Grace Baker social clubs 73