Men's social club Delta Chi Delta played Dungeons & Dragons together every Friday night. In fall 2016, men's social club Delta Chi Delta (DXD) started playing the game Dungeons &Dragons (D&D). Members of DXD continued the games into fall 2019 as a means of club bonding. · D&D was a role playing game that required creativity. With every game played, there was a narrator who set up the story and maintained the adventurous setting. Each player had a character they created as they interacted with the setting and each other. Senior Nathan Evans, member of DXD, played D&D with his fellow members and said it was a great way for them to relax and grow closer as a group. "I really like how it is an informal way to hang out with each other," Evans said. "There are seven of us who play, and a lot of the members come by to chat and watch from time to time. It's obviously not a mandatory thing, but the guys are deliberate about their participation because they want to relax with their brothers, and I think that's neat." Senior Hyhway Therrell, member of DXD, believed D&D was important to the club dynamic. "It's another way that various members can come together and be with one another and have a lot of fun too," Therrell said. "D&D has a way of creating unique opportunities to be creative [and] do things one normally wouldn't do like being extroverted or thinking strategically." The tradition started because a lot of club members played in high school and in different groups on campus, and they brought the idea to their club specifically. DXD met every Friday, with exceptions like Homecoming and Club Week, to bond over a creative game that brought the group together. Junior Austin Wardlow said they played for hours or until their dungeon master ran out of things for them to do in the game. "Playing together as a club helps with building friendships and bonds since we spend four to five hours together," Wardlow said. "It can let some of our new members get to know the older members. It's also hilarious some of the solutions to the problems [the game master gives us] we come up with." story by Will Allen & Ashlyn Quesinberry social clubs 67