2019-2020 Yearbook

communications & enrollment 197 Ruhl, Patrick, asst. professor ofbiology Rummel, Don, communications tech./ HTS Rush, Lacy, instructor ofexercise & sports science Russell, Craig, dir. ofpublic safety 201 Ryan, Marjorie, part-time postal services clerk s Sagmoe, Ralph, groundskeeper Sanders, Don, asst. professor ofbiology Sandlin, Mac, asst. professor ofBible & religion 267 Schmitz, Matt, asst. dir. ofadmissions Schneider, Richard, IS&T security officer & systems admin. Schramm, Keith, professor ofphysical science Scott, Jessica, counselorfor counseling center Seawel, Brenda, asst. athletic dir. Seawel, Morris, senior advancement officer Seay, Beth, office asst. ofclassroom tech. & labs and audio visual Seger, Leigh Anne, gift processor for advancement Selby, Comtney, asst. professor of pharmacy practice Shackelford, Mona, instructor & HUF support personnel Shackelford, Robbie, dir. ofHUF Shafer, Angie, asst. dir. of special accounts Shaner, Steve, asst. professor of communication Shaw, Angela, bookstore operations support asst. Shelby, Kevin, asst. professor of counseling HST Shelton, Debra, admin. asst. dean of college ofsciences Shelton, Jim, professor ofcollege of business Shelton, Jason, sergeant public safety Shelton, Nekia, library public services asst. Sherman, Kay, executive asst. to senior VP Shipman, Janie, office asst. ofstudent life Shipp, Melissa, assoc. professor of pharmacy practice Shire!, Susan, asst. professor of music Shock, Jack, distinguished professor of communication Simmons, Paul, headfootball coach Simpson, Jay, senior assoc. dir. of financial aid services Singleton, Jon, assoc. professor of English Sipe, Cody, assoc. professor ofphysical therapy and dir. ofclinical resources Sivia, Jeremy, transportation officer Slane, Grant, general maintenance Slaughter, Chad, maintenance plumber journeyman Slayton, Joy, Stephens Hall RLC Slayton, Stephanie, postal service logistics clerk Sloan, Ellis, asst. professor of business Sloan, Lori, asst. professor of communication Smith, Bridget, disabilities dir. 201 Smith, Carol, secretary ofadmissions Smith, Cheri, chair ofteacher preparation & assoc. professor Smith, Danny, plumber Smith, David, asst. professor ofphysical therapy Smith, Forrest, professor of pharmaceutical sciences Smith, Jeanie, dir. ofexperiential education Smith, Randy, postal services dir. 201 Smith, JoJean, admin. asst. to dean of college ofarts & humanities Smith, Patty, dir. of bachelor of sciences nursing program and assoc. professor Smith, Ron, assoc. professor ofmath and chair of math department Smith, Susan, asst. professor ofcollege of nursing Smith, Tabitha,financial aid assoc. dir. Smith, Terry, chair & professor of behavioral science Spearman, Shawn, mgr. ofapp development & enhancement Spears, Lisa, human resources assoc. benefits Spears, Marty,provost 197 Spelce, Vicki, project coord. Spillman, Warren, asst. dir. ofadmissions Stacy, Cole, HVAC tech. Stamps, LaNelle, services coord. of Upward Bound Steele, Doug, asst. professor ofphysical therapy program Steil, Dana, asst. provost and assoc. professor Stewart, Debbie, mgr. of media center Stewart, Jake, assoc. professor ofbusiness 289 Stewart, Kevin, assoc. professor of chemistry Stirrup, Ryan, system & database admin. IS&T Stockstill, Daniel, professor ofBible/ assoc. dean ofcollege ofBible & ministry Stockstill, Cindee, producer oftheatre Stone, John, asst. professor ofcollege of Bible & ministry Stone, Norm, asst. professor ofcollege of business administration Stone, Tia, preprofessional health science admin. 292, 295 Stork, Katy, transfer records coord. Stork, Ryan, assoc. professor ofbiology Story, Rayanne, asst. professor and asst. dean ofexperiential education pharmacy Stroud, Megan, digital media coord. UC&M Sullins, Jeremiah, assoc. professor of behavioral science 295 Summers, Dan, asst. professor ofcollege ofbusiness administration Summers, Patti, admin. asst. ofWaldron Center Swann,Inna, assoc. professor ofphysical therapy Swann, Rachel, admin. asst. UC&M Swenson, Kim, asst. professor ofnursi11g 296 Swindle, Matthew, asst. professor of criminal justice Swindle, Devin, assoc. professor ofBible &ministry Syrotchen, Josh, asst. track coach Syrotchen, Tori, instructor ofexercise & sports science t Tackett, Nancy, asst. to the provost Tankersley, Glen, program analyst - web developer Tankersley, Karl, general maintenance carpenter Tankersley, Oneal, missionary-inresidence lecturer· 288 Tapley, Joy, asst. to dir. ofcareer center Tarrant, Jim, assoc. professor of pharmacy Taylor, Morgan, asst. to dir. ofHUG Taylor, Tommy, groundskeeper Theobald, Tyler, desktop support specialist Thomas, Marcus, asst. dean ofstudents 188, 189, 201 Thomason, Elizabeth, asst. professor of nursing 296 Thompson, Kyle, asst. dir. ofoffice of community connection Thompson, Phil, assoc. professor ofBible Thompson, Travis, professor ofmath Tillett, Michelle, account mgr. of graduate programs & business office Timms, Katrina, Pryor Hall RLC Tomlinson, Cecil, maintenance supervisor Towell, Dave, groundskeeper Toye, Kim, admin. asst. ofcenterfor charitable estate planning Tracy, Julie, office & rental asst. physical resources Traughber, Jan, asst. professor of communications sciences & disorders Tribble, Luke, asst.football coach Turley, Ken, professor & chair ofexercise sciences Turner, Julie, admin. asst. of advancement Turner, Mallory, asst. professor of pharmacy practice Turner, Bob, head librarian ofHST Turner, Shawn, asst. professor of pharmacy Underwood, David, senior advancement officer Underwood, Matt, asst.football coach V Valentine, Lisa, secretary ofbiology & chemistry Valentine, Naomi, senior instructional designer IS&T Vandegrifft, Daniel, web developer Vanderburgh, Jane, asst. dir. of admissions VanWinkle, Paiton, business analyst IS&T Venable, Nathan, tech. specialist Vendetti, Martha, admin. asst. of communication sciences & disorders Waddill, Rochelle, clinical secretary ofPA program Wade, Craig, accounting clerk offinance Waggoner, Debbie, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical practice Waldron, Will, instructor ofengineering &physics Waldrop, Jean, dir. ofBrackettLibrary 201 Walker, Carl, tech. training specialist IS&T Walker, Cheryl, admin. asst. to VP IS&T Walker, Laurie, asst. professor ofmath 214 Walls, Jay, assoc. professor ofmusic Walls, Kelly, asst. professor ofpharmacy practice Walters, Rachel, admin. asst. ofhistory department Walton, Mitch, dir. ofNorth Little Rock campus and asst. professor Ward, Kayla, marketing & events coord. of admissions Ward, Kelly, admin. asst. ofHST advancement Ward, Larry,foreman painting Ward, Richard, asst. professor and dir. of experiential education Warnick, John Mark, dir. of academic resources services 81, 201 Warren, Amy, senior staff dir. of admissions Warren, Dale, lead tech. ofclient support Warren, Steve, assoc. professor of education Watson, Abbey, communications & events coord. Watson, April, instructor of communication sciences & disorders Wearden, Ken, asst. softball coach 254 Wearden, Rhonda, secretary ofEnglish Weaver, Timothy, lecturer ofexercise science Wells, Rich, asst. professor ofengineering 289,291 Wendt, Karl, assoc. professor ofgraduate college ofeducation Westbrook, Anessa, asst. professor of Bible Westbrook, Tim, assoc. professor and dir. ofcenterfor distance education 290 Westerholm, Melissa, admin. asst. of a thletics Westerholm, Wayne, deputy dir. of parking & transportation Weston, Scott,professor and assoc. dean and chair ofpharmaceutical science White, Cheryl, bookstore sales & merchandising coord. White, Cindy, chair & assoc. professor of chemistry 215, 294 White, David, educational coord. financial aid White, Jon, assoc. professor of engineering & physics White, Katy, asst. costumer oftheatre Whitt, Butch, heavy equipment operator Wiewora, Nate, asst. professor ofhistory Wiggs, Buddy, dir. ofgrounds beautification Wilhoit, Sarah, assoc. professor ofart & design Williams, Chris, asst. to the dean for licensure Williams, Dan, VP ofchurch relations 197 Williams, Kieth, assoc. professor and di,·. of leadership Williams, Sharon, admin. asst. to president 7, 208, 209 Williams, Taylor, instructor of engineering & physics Williamson, Carl, Ritchie distinguished chair ofcollege ofBible & ministry Willingham, Randy, dir. of center for spiritual leadership 201 Willis, Jana, Kendall Hall RLC Wilson, Brian, carpenter heavy equipment operato,- Wilson, Jamie, asst. dir. ofpostal services Wilson, Patty, nurse student health services Withrow, Jessica, asst. track coach Wolfe, Marc, weekend sargeant public safety Wood, Danny, Harding Press mgr. 201 Wood, Hannah, archives & special collections librarian Wood, Jill, secretary ofadmissions Wood, Jon, asst. professor and dir. of Waldron Center 201 Wood, Mike, assoc. professor ofcollege of education 296 Woodroof, Debbie, instructor of communication sciences & disorders Woods, Ray Lynn, asst. men's basketball coach and asst. professor 252 Worley, Afton, admin. asst. ofcounseling center Wright, Gene, assoc. professor and dir. of clinical experience Wright, Karen, asst·. to dean for accreditation Wrye, Jon, database & system administration mgr. Wu, Charles, professor ofengineering & physics 294 y Yarbrough, Tracy, bookstore textbook mgr. Yeboah, Kwame, assoc. professor of college ofphannacy Yingling, J.D., professor ofkinesiology & aquatics Young, Meredith, dir. ofNorthwest Arkansas professional center Youngblood, Kevin, assoc. professor of Biblical studies z Zeringue, Bryce, postal services clerk Zeringue, Craig, safety & risk specialist index 319