I Lacy, Nona, asst. professor ofnursing Laing, Greg, asst. professor ofEnglish Laing, Kim, asst. professor ofhistory Lake, Steve, asst. VP ofadvancement 84, 200 Landis, Linda, postal services clerk Lane, Juli, asst. professor of nursing Langston, Paula, secretary ofadmissions Leasure, Frank, stockroom mgr. Lecrone, Stephen, groundskeeper Lee, Cheryl, professor ofnursing Lee, Donny, professor & dean ofcollege of education 201 Lemieux, Michelle, dir. ofaccounting Leslie, Jake, lecturer ofexercise & sports science Lewis, Charles, postal services clerk Light, Logan, dir. ofcampus life 201 Lillard, Justin, reference librarian and asst. professor Ling, West, China recruiter and co-dir. of China student life Looney, Laura, secretary ofmusic Looney, Nathan, asst. sports information dir. Love, Joli, assoc. professor offoreign languages Love, Madison, admin. asst. ofcenterfor world missions Lowe, Angela, desk clerk Lynn, Ashley, admin. asst. ofcollege of business Lynn, Britt, assoc. professor oftheatre m Mabe, Elliott, IT security admin. Maddox, Amy, athletic insurance coord. Madill, Mary, assoc. professor and academic dir. ofPA program Manor, Bonnie, secretary ofart Manor, Dale, professor ofBible & archaeology Marshall, Kinsey, admissions counselor Martin, Jim, VP ofHST 197 Martin, Jessica, instructor of marketing Martin, Joetta, bookstore customer service clerk Martin, Kraig, asst. professor ofBible Martin, Michael, groundscrew foreman Martin, Steve, dir. ofBenson audio tech. services 202, 203 Martin, Tod, registrar 201 Massey, Jeff, asst. professor of engineering & physics Mathews, Darren, asst. professor of education and dir. ofeducational leadership Mathis, Ruth Ann, assoc. professor and dir. ofclinical education ofphysical therapy Matlock, Dennis, chair ofchemistry and professor ofbiochemistry Matty, Blake, admissions counselor Max, Melissa, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical practice May, Russell, part-time patrolman public safety McAleese, Sherrie, asst. to VP ofchurch relations McCaughan Loryn, customer relations of financial aid McClelland, Mendy, asst. professor ofPA program McConnaughhay, Ken, pilot McCook, Kristen, asst. professor of nursing 296 McCown, Frank, assoc. professor of computer science McCoy, ate, application admin. ofIS&T Mccready, Robert, professor ofFrench McDaniel, Melissa, evening dispatcher McDuffie, Angela, call center coord. McElligott, Colin, patrolman public safety McElligott, Hannah, admin. asst. of university college Mcferrin, Clay, graduate school of 318 business recruiter McGaha, Patrick, assoc. professor of kinesiology and baseball coach 224 McGaha, Sarah, asst. professor ofcollege ofbusiness administration McGalliard, Mike, dean ofcollege ofallied health 105, 201 McGohan, Amy, electronic resources librarian McKean, Byron, STK inventory control McLarty, Bruce, president 191, 193 McLeod, Steve, assoc. dean ofHST McMillion, Dana, dir. ofmaintenance & physical resources McNeal, Travis, assoc. professor of behavioral sciences and dir. ofCamp Takodah Meeker, Melanie,assoc. professor & chair ofcommunications sciences & disorders Mercer, Emmie, asst. professor of business Mercer, Jeff, dean ofcollege ofpharmacy 201 Meredith, Lolita, dir. ofMcNair Project 201 Merrell,Ervin, groundskeeper Metheny, Glen, assoc. professor of business Milholen, Ro e, contract postal unit supervisor Miller, Brad, professor and department chair ofengineering & physics Miller, Robin, professor oftheatre Miller, Jim, assoc. professor of communication 56, 297 Miller, Kent, engineering shop coord. Mills, Donna, asst. to mgr. ofstudent support & communication Mills, aNathan, professor ofbiology Mills, Rebecca, secretary ofadmissions Mills, Tin1, press operator Milner, Wayne, asst. registrar Mimms, John, instructional designer centerfor learning & technology Mitchell, Brian, network admin. Mitchell, Robbie, painter Mock, Greg, assoc. professor & medical dir. ofPA program Montgomery, Jeff, dir. ofphoto services UC&M201 Moore, Bethany, admin. asst. of admissions HST Moore, Candice, dir. ofmarketing UC&M 201 Moore, Connie, admin. asst. ofstudent health services Moore, Jessica, assoc. professor of kinseology Moore, Justin, assoc. professor of marriage andfamily therapy MHC Moore Lew, chair ofmarriage andfamily therapy and dir. ofcounseling center and professor 201 Moore, Steve, professor ofbiology Morgan, Jeff, athletic dir. and men's ba. ketball coach 197, 252 Moss, Brenda, asst. dir. Northwest Arkansas profe sional center Mote, Roddy, asst.football coach Mount, Nicole, assoc. professor ofPA program Mulvany, Laura, instructor of communication sciences & disorders Muncy, Zac, asst. professor ofcollege of business Murphy, Jaime, asst. professor of chemistry & biochemistry 215 Murphy, Marci, admissions dir. ofPA program Murphy, Michael, professor and program dir. ofPA program Muse, Greg, dir. ofadvancement Myers, Ean, desktop support specialist Myers, Emily, Armstrong Hall RLC Myers, Eric, asst. professor ofexercise & sport sciences n Neal,Sara Jo, secretary ofcollege of business administration Neal,Zach, asst. VP ofstudent life and dean ofstudents 201 Neff,Wyatt, patrolman public safety Neill,Kelly, assoc. professor ofmusic 290,291 Nesbit,James, asst. professor ofcollege ofpharmacy Nesbitt,Debra, Keller Hall RLC Nickerson,Josh, asst. dir. ofadmfssions Nickerson,Olivia, secretary ofbehavioral sciences Nickleson, Robyn, network specialist Nicodemus, Michael, assoc. professor of biology Nix,April, human resources assoc. of compensation Noah,John, dir. ofbusiness office 201 Norris,Jim, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical sciences Norris,Sandy, admin. asst. ofteacher preparation North,Henry, asst. professor of pharmaceutical science Nowakowski, Deanna, senior office specialist college ofnursing Nunnally, Carolyn, educational tech. coord. ofPA program Nunnally,Matthew, communication infrastructure mgr. Nutt,Debby, assoc. professor ofnursing O'Brian, Stephanie, dir. ofUpward Bound 201 Oden, Daniel, assoc. professor ofBible & ministry Odom, Brian, assoc. professor of PT program Okai, Olivia, tech. services asst. oflibrary Oliver, Mike, assoc. professor of management Ollis, Harvey,foreman general maintenance Olree, Ken, assoc. professor of engineering & physics Oropeza, Micky, asst. dir. ofadmissions Oropeza, Sarah, instructor ofFCS 297 Orpin, Tracy, HVAC tech. Ortiz, Alex, account mgr. ofloan business office Oster, Rick, professor of NewTestament Owen, Sheila, assoc. librarian Owens, Hannah, dir. ofdigital media UC&M 201 p Page, Rigel, financial aid counselor Palmer, Scott, academic coord. of Upward Bound Parker, Allison, dir. ofeducation resource center Parker, Joey, instructor ofengineering & physics Parker, Wes, chair and assoc. professor ofmusic297 Patten, Todd, chair and assoc. professor of mental health & wellness Patterson, Dakota, bookstore textbook asst. Perkins, Wil, assoc. registrar Permenter, Mike, cabinet carpenter physical resources Phillips, Bryan, professor ofexercise & sports science Phillips, Darla instructor ofuniversity college Picker, Joshua, shipping & receiving clerk Pitt, Paul, professor ofart & design Pitt, Sharon, asst. professor of communication Pittman, Trixie, assoc. professor of science & biology 215 Pleasant, Audra, executive dir. of International Programs 201 Plybon, Deb, office & graduation coord. college ofeducation Plybon, Wes, lab dir. engineering & physics 294 Pollard, Sherry, temporary ombudsman Powell, Mark, professor ofHST Powell, Nicole, asst. advance studies in teaching & learning and board certified education Price, Farah, admin. asst. ofphysical therapy Prince, Travis, foreman environmental control Prior, Mark, dir. ofHU16 and VideoWorks Province, Dennis, professor ofchemistry 292, 294 Pruitt, Mark, assoc. dir. of admissions q Qualls, Amy, assoc. professor ofEnglish 296 Quesinberry, Melissa, office & admin. mgr. ofpharmacy r Rackley, Vann, professor ofmarriage and family therapy Ragland, Sheryl, marketing coord. of graduate programs Ragsdale, Janis, International Programs admin. Ragsdale, Scott, assoc. professor of computer science Ramey, Kevin, dir. & assoc. professor of physical therapy Rampey, Rebekah, chair & assoc. professor ofbiology 215 Ramsey, Alice, coord. ofgraduate programs Ray, Kevin, parking enforcement officer Rea, Toni, admin. asst. ofdistance Bible &preaching Redding, David, men's tennis coach 255 Reed, Juana, office mgr. ofcollege ofBible &ministry Reely, Ronda, asst. professor ofcollege of nursing 296 Reese, David, Camp Tahkodah mgr. Reese, Jenna, Camp Tahkodah rentals coord. Reeves, Donna, Heritage Inn desk clerk Reynolds, Deena, patrolman public safety Rice, Amanda, marketing asst. UC&M Rice, Peter, assoc. professor ofBible Richardson, Bill, professor ofBible and dir. ofcenter ofadvanced ministry training Richmond, Rodney, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical practice Riley, Kayla, admin. asst. professor of counseling Ritchie, Debbie, admin. asst. ofpharmacy practice Ritchie, Li a, professor ofFCS and dir. of dietetics 297 Ritchie, Bob, instuctor ofcommunication studies Ritchie, Tom, asst. professor of kinesiology Roberson, Lisa, bookstore secretary & customer clerk Roberts, Emily, dir. ofdonor relations 201 Roberts, Jonathan, dir. offinancial aid 201 Robertson, Jesse, assoc. professor ofBible &ministry Robinson, Retha, Village & apartment mgr. RLC Robison, Andrew, web programmer Robison, David, audio & events specialist of theatre Rodenbeck, Jim, business analyst IS&T Rodenbeck, Stacey, asst. professor of biology 215 Rodgers, Johnny, painter physical resources Rogers, Tina, HST library acquisition & circulation asst. Ross, Alyse, admin. asst. ofcollege of Bible & ministry Ross, David, asst. VP ofhuman resources 201 Rucker, Jana, VPfor university