2019-2020 Yearbook

pharmacy practice Dubose, Jim, press operator ofHU Press Duke, Debbie, professor ofmath and asst. dean ofpreprofessional programs 214, 292,295 Duke, John, assoc. professor ofhistory 252 Dunning, Jessica, admin. coord.for Centerfor World Missions Eads, Laura, asst. professor of music Edens, Lynn, student affairs and admin. coord. ofphysical therapy Edwards, Lee, asst. professor college of Bible & ministry Eller, Alyssa, print resources librarian and instructor Ellis, Wendy, asst. professor ofeducation and dir. ofreading program Elrod, Tish, business office account records clerk Ely, Alan, patrolman public safety Emberson, Adam, HVAC electrician Emberson, Mark, energy management systems tech. Engel, Lisa, assoc. professor ofnursing Engel, Terry, chair & professor ofEnglish Engli h, Angela, college ofeducation programs, labs & account coord. Evdoxiaclis, Sylvie, asst. professor of foreign languages Exum, John, network services IT mgr. f Fager, Karie, Allen Hall RLC Fager, Marc, asst. professor ofeducation Falconer, Anissa, senior accountant Fatula, April, instructor of communications Fear, Meredith, volleyball coach 255 Figley Terry, dir. ofoffcampus programs & graduate education Finley, Britney, asst. professor of kinesiology Fish, Mary Margaret, Graduate Hall RLC Fish, Seth, asst. tech. dir. Fisher, Denise, assoc. professor ofFCS Fisher, Jennifer, asst. professor of communication sciences & disorders Fisher, Shawn, assoc. professor ofhistory and ROTC liaison Fleener, Lora, student support & communication mgr. 200 Flowers, Kimberly, dir. of educational leadership and assoc. professor Flowers, Owen, asst. recreation dir. Ford, Joanne, office & rental mgr. Foster, Rhonda, Legacy Park RLC Foster, Ron, admin. asst. of nursing graduate programs Foust, Gabriel, asst. professor of computer science Frazier, Al, professor & dean ofcollege of business administration 95, 200 Frazier, Randy, parking enforcement officer Frazier, Sandy, business office asst. dir. Friar, Karen, mailing center supervisor Frye, Dottie, asst. professor and dir. of Pied Pipers & Spring Sing Frye, Steve, chair oftheatre and dir. of Spring Sing & SSDT Fuller, Lisa, e-learning & instruction librarian g Gaither, Doug, master plumber physical resources Gallagher, Liann, asst. professor of history 276, 294 Galyan, Ashlie, IS&T business intelligence architect Ganus, Cliff, professor ofmusic and dir. ofchoral activities Gardner, Jessica, asst. professor ofcollege of nursing Gardner, Butch, dir. ofcareer center 200 Garner, Jake, lab tech. college of pharmacy Garner, Karen, asst. professor ofcollege of nursing 296 Garner, Pat, professor ofspeech Gastineau, Zane, dean ofcollege of sciences 200 Gettman, Lana, assoc. professor ofcollege ofpharmacy Gibb, Carina, admin. asst. ofprovost office Gibson, Summer, admissions counselor Gibson, Lance, assoc. professor of engineering & physics Gibson, Stacy, assoc. professor ofart & design 261 Gilbert, Paula, bookstore website & inventory maintenance Glover, Ryne, weekend sargeant public safety Goldman, Dru, academic records coord. Goode, Scott, asst. athletic dir.for sports information Gould, Tina, dir. oftesting 200 Gowan, Gia, stockroom office mgr. Grace, Susan, dir. ofpharmacy student affairs Graves, Ken, dir. ofglobal outreach college ofBible & ministry 200 Gray, Ed, professor ofcounseling Gray, Molly, stockroom receptionist Gregersen, Dana, general maintenance Gregersen, Loretta, asst. dir. of residence life Gregory, Cherisse, Harding Fund prospect researcher Griffin, Sarah, asst. dean ofpharmacy academic affairs Grogan, Susan, assoc. professor and dir. ofnon-traditional teacher preparation programs Guptill, Georgann, reading program office mgr. Gupton, Carlus, professor ofHST Gutierrez, Ally, instructor ofbehavioral science Gutierrez, Michael, asst. professor of chemistry 292 Guy, Jordan, asst. professor ofcollege of Bible & ministry h Haley, Jantzen, publications writer UC&M Hall, David, bookstore & Heritage Inn mgr. 200 Hall, Judy,financial aid counselor Hall, Lydia, Shores Hall RLC Hall, Nichole, secretary ofstudent life Hall, Tammy, VP offinance and CFO 197 Halliburton, Harley, business & research analyst Hamblin, Jennifer, student payroll clerk Hamilton, Tim, asst. professor of communication Hammes, Whitney, public services librarian Hannigan, Scott, senior dir. ofadmissions 200 Harley, Megan, circulation public services asst. Harnden, Greg, asst. athletic dir. Harrell, Hannah, admissions counselor Harrell, Heather, admissions counselor Harrell, Reed, asst. professor ofexercise & sports science Harrington, Brian, dir. of center for professional excellence college of business administration Harris, Anissa, college ofpharmacy dir. of assessment Harris, Greg, women's soccer coach and asst. professor 254 Harris, Jackie, asst. professor ofnursing Harris, Julie, professor ofhistory 294, 297 Harrison, Debbie, secretary ofkinesiology and exercise & sports science Hatfield, Briana, asst. dir. ofMcNair Program Hawkins, Susan, asst. to dir. of educational leadership Hawley, Lance, asst. professor ofHST Heaton, Hailey, office mgr. press Helpenstill, Kathy, assoc. professor of behavioral science 57, Henderson, Allen, asst. professor of education 213 Henderson, Braden, recreation center mgr. Hendrickson, Brad, midnight dispatcher public safety Henton, Alice, assoc. professor of communication sciences & disorders Henton, Nathan, asst. professor of English Hernandez, LeAnn, trusts, annuities & reporting coord. Hernandez, Francisco, HVAC tech. Herring, MaRanda, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical practice Hester, Ranan, asst. dean ofstudents 199,200 Hewett, Alan, instructor ofengineering &physics Hicks, Chuck, asst. professor ofmusic 290,291 Hill, Chris, asst.football coach Hill, Gary, professor and clinical coord. of PA program Hill, Jennifer, secretary ofPA program Hixson-Wallace, Julie, associate provost and VPfor accrediation & institutional effectiveness 197 Hodges, Laura, construction bookeeper Hojheinz, Mario, asst. professor ofPA program Hoggatt, Dutch, professor of communication Holland, Jason, professor ofmath Holland Michelle, asst. professor of Spanish Hollandsworth, Heather, lab tech.for chemistry 215 Holmes, Ted,foreman andjourneyman plumber Holst, Sharyl, admin. asst.for college of education graduate studies Hood, Don, track coach 222, 253 Hook, Emily, admin. asst.for centerfor professional excellence Howard, Leeann, asst. professor and college ofeducation dir. offield experience Howard, Taylor, business analyst Howell, Alan, visiting missionary college ofBible and ministry Howell, Byron, asst. professor ofcollege ofbusiness administration graduate program Howell, Dustin, institutional researcher and golfcoach 254 Howell, Liz, VP ofalumni & parent relations 197 Huckeba, Ronnie, senior advancement officer Hudkins, Emily, assoc. dir. o f Mitchell Center Huff, James, asst. professor of engineering and dir. ofengineering assessment Huff, Melinda, instructor ofchemistry 215 Hug, Amber, biology lab tech. 215 Hunt, Larry, professor ofEnglish Hunter, Cindy, executive asst. to president 197 • I Ingram, Cindi, admin. asst. to disability services Ireland, Dwight, professor ofpsychology and counseling staff Ireland, Jonathan, men's soccer coach 254 j Jackson, Gary, instructor ofBible & ministry James, Mike, dean ofhonors college 200 Jameson, Weston, asst. women's basketball coach 253 Jeffrey, Sam, asst. professor ofbehavioral sciences Johnson, David, professor ofcollege of business administration and chair of finance Johnson, Li, asst. to Chinese student life program Johnson, Renee, admin. asst. of communications Johnson, Tyrel, security tech. mgr. Joice, Chad, asst. dean ofstudents 200 Jones, Ben, asst. professor oftheatre Jones, Carol, dir. of admissions for pharmacy ,Jones, Ellen, asst. professor of pharmaceutical practice Jones, Gevi, asst. professor offoreign languages Jones, Melvin, part-time postal services clerk Jones, Pam, admin asst. of pharmaceutical sciences Jones, Shanna, instructor ofFCS 56 Jones, Tim, asst. VP offinance 200 Jordan, Whit, asst. professor offoreign languages 293 Julian, Diana, assoc. professor ofcollege of education k Kamdem, Landry, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical sciences Kays, Luke, lecturer & lab tech. of chemistry Keck, Russell, asst. professor ofEnglish 296 Kee, Bonnie, accredation & academics support coord.forforeign languages Kee, David, asst. professor and dir. of MBA program Kehl, Kevin, dean ofuniversity college 200 Kehl, Susan, assoc. professor & dean of nursing 200 Kellar, Terri, admin. asst. ofparking & security Keller, John, chair and professor ofart &design Kelley, Karen, asst. professor ofnursing 4 Kemp, Peggy, graphic designer Harding Press Kemper, Debbie, PA program coord. Kemper, Heather, alumni events & projects coord. Kerr, Steve, physical resources carpenter Kiles, Todd, creative coord. UC&M Killins, Anita, assoc. professor ofphysical therapy Kirby, Paula, e-learning & multimedia systems dir. Kirby, Tim, asst. professor ofkinesiology and women's basketball coach 253 Kirk, Zach, desktop support specialist Kirkman, Kim, executive dir. ofASI 200, 289 Kissack, Julie, chair & professor of pharmaceutical practice Kissinger, Price,journeyman plumber and welder Klein, Kevin, professor ofhistory & political science Klein, Lori, asst. professor ofpolitical science & public admin. 294 Knight, Lauren, instructor for international programs Krug, Caleb, sergeant public safety index 317