2019-2020 Yearbook

Tim Bewley's unique Harding experience allowed him to be a significant addition to the Board ofTrustees. The Harding University Board of Trustees was comprised of men and women who helped maintain Harding's vision. Tim Bewley, senior vice president of Pinnacle Financial and 2003 Harding alumnus, was one of the newest and youngest members to be named to the Board of Trustees. Bewley joined the board in May 2017 at 36 years old and attended his first board meeting that same summer. He had a background in finance and served on multiple boards outside of the Board of Trustees at Harding. During thistime on the board, Bewley said there was an abundance of knowledge and experience in the existing members that helped him grow to be the best trustee he could be. "My background and professional skills revolve around finance, banking, audit, fundraising and operations," Bewley said. "So, I have focused my time on the board on those topics; however, there is much more that has been amazing to learn more about." Bewley said his Harding experience was a story of redemption, grace and reconciliation. Bewley said many of his friends and his wife, Holly, had strong faith and encouraged him to quit his addictions. Bewley said Dr. Jim Carr, retired executive vice president of Harding, was one of the most significant influences in his life as Bewley sought to change his habits and direction in life. "I wasn't ready to accept their encouragement," Bewley said. "I will always remember the times they were bold enough to follow the Lord's will to encourage me to quit." Bewley said he viewed Carr as a mentor when he was a college student. "It's complimentary that he would call me a mentor," Carr said. "I just saw it as us being good friends." Carr was delighted to learn Bewley was added to the board.and believed he was an outstanding addition. "Mr. Bewley is from a younger generation," Carr said. "He is a person who is interested in performance for himself and for whom he works with. He's a man of high integrity, and when I think of him, that's what I think of." Dr. John Simmons, who joined the board in 1989, knew Bewley before he was added to the board. "I was the one to actually nominate him to be on the board," Simmons said. "He is a committed person and has served on and been a leader on every board that's similar to the Board of Trustees." Bewley said he was indebted to Harding for the support he found and tried his best to give back while on the board. "As a trustee, I would like to serve Harding in an attempt to pay back what was so richly given to me," Bewley said. story by Bowman Johnson leadership 195