2019-2020 Yearbook

Freshman criminal justice and psychology major Amanda Brown started the HUBisonBoom Instagram account Sept. 19, 2019, to boost campus morale. She used the platform worked to engage the student body in Harding athletic events. Brown posted dress-up themes to encourage students to participate and attend football games and said she hoped the themed events would spur student involvement. Brown said it was important to support the hard work of the athletic teams. "I feel like by having school spirit, we serve those who are on those sports teams and who are training every day to do what they love," Brown said. "I feel like to back them up on that is pretty amazing and for them to have that support ... because sports and athletics can get difficult, especially balancing those with academics." Freshman Amanda Brown cheers for the men's basketball team in the Rhodes-Reaves Field House Nov. 9, 2019. Brown sparked school spirit among the student body. I photo by Jillian Jarvis Freshman Amanda Brown encouraged school spirit through social media. Senior Lew Knapp said as a member of the Thundering Herd Marching Band, it was disheartening when students lacked enthusiasm at sporting events. Both Brown and Knapp said showing school spirit at games supported student athletes. "I know that in years past, we have been the only ones really cheering," Knapp said. "Except for this year, of course, because the lovely Amanda Brown has brought that cheer." Brown said she met with Logan Light, director of campus life, and Hannah Owens, director of digital media, about a future partnership with the Campus Activities Board and planned themed events and giveaways for the 2019-20 school year. Brown said she hoped to continue running the account while she was a student at Harding. The Harding University Bookstore (HUB) promoted Brown's account on their own Instagram feed when she posted events such as a Hawaiian theme on Sept. 27, 2019, and her pink-out theme on Oct. 4, 2019. Angela Shaw, operations support assistant for HUB, said student-run accounts were important for Harding employees to understand student interests. Shaw said having school spirit did not only include being proud of an institution, but also the students, faculty and employees who formed it. ''I'm going to rely on Dr. Burks' classic word: 'camaraderie'," Shaw said. "There are so many different aspects of our lives where we're not connected. We all have these different things, and I just think that's another way that we can all be on the same page." story by Audrey Jackson "I feel like by having school spirit, we serve I those who are on those sports teams and who are training every day to do what they love." people 167