L Lacy, Nona, asst. professor ofnursing Lacy, Scott, Heritage Inn weekend desk clerk Laing, Greg, instructorofEnglish Laing, Kim, asst. professor ofhistory Lake, Steve, asst. VP ofadvancement 201 Lambeth, Randy, professor ofexercise and sport sciences Landis, Linda, postal sservicecslerk Lane, Juli, asst. professor ofnursing Langston, Paula, admissiom secretary Leasure, Frank, stockroom mgr. Lecrone, Stephen, groundskeeper Lee, Cheryl, professor of11ursing Lee, Donny, professor and dean ofthe collegeof education 201 Lemieus, Michelle, finance tax and accounting mgr. Lemmons, J, advancementfunctional tech. Lemmons, Joanna, admin. asst. to the dean Leslie, Jake, lecturerofexercise and sports science Lewis, Charles, postal services clerk Light, Logan, dir. ofcampus life 201 Lillard, Justin, asst. professor and librarian Ling, West, China recruiter and co-dir. for China student life Looney, Laura, secretary ofmusic dept. Looney, Nathan, asst. sports information dir. Love, Joli, assoc. professor offoreign languages 293 Love, Madison, admin. asst. for centerfor world missiom Lowe, Angela, desk clerk Lynn, Ashley, collegeofbusiness admin. asst. Lynn, Britton, assoc. professor oftheater M Maddox, Amy, athleticinsurance coord. Madill, Mary, asst. professor and academic dir. of PA program Manor, Bonnie, admin. asst. ofart Manor, Dale, professor ofBible and ministry Martin, Deeann, asst. professor ofnursing Martin, Joetta, Pattie Cobb Hall RLC Marcin, Kraig, asst. professor ofBibleand ministry Martin, Michael, groundscrew foreman Martin, Steve, Benson audio technical servicesdir. MartinT, od, university registrar 201 Massey, Jeffery, asst. professor ofengineering and physics Mathews, Shelly, purchasing coord. Mathis, Wila, Harding press office mgr. Matlock, Dennis, professor and chair ofthe department ofchemistry and biochemistry Max, Melissa, assoc. professor ofpharmacy 289 May, Connie, vault cashier May, Russel, parking officer McAleese, herrie, admin. secretary to pharmacy deans McCaughan, Loryn,financial aid c customerrelations McClelland, Mendy, asst. professor ofPA program McConnaughhay, Ken, pilot 6, 208 McCown, Frank, assoc. professor of computer science McCoy, Nate, application admin. IS&T McCready, Robert, professor offoreign languages and international studies McGaha, Patrick, assoc. professor ofkinesiology and head baseball coach 246 McGaha, Sarah, asst. professor ofbusiness admin. McGalliard, Michael, assoc. professor, program dir. and department chair ofPT McGlawn, Penny, Harbin Hall RLC McGohan, Amy, instructor and librarian 74 McGohan, Brerc, switchboard admin. McKean, Byron, stock inventory control McLarty, Bruce, president 24, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,193,257 McLeod, Randall, professor ofbusiness admin. and dir. ofprofessional salesdepartmmt McLeod, Teresa, assoc. professor and university disabilities dir. 201 McMillion, Dana, dir. ofmaintenance McMinn, Mari, contract postal unit clerk Mc eal, Travis, assoc. professor ofbehavioral sciences and dir. ofpsychology Meeker, Melanie, asst. professor ofcommunication sciences and disorders 100 Mercer, Emmie, asst. professor ofbusiness admin. Mercer, Jeff, assoc. professor and dean ofthe college ofpharmacy 201 Merrell, Ervin, groundskeeper Metheny, Glen, assoc. professor ofgraduate business admin. Milholen, Rose, contract postal unit supervisor . Miller, Brad, assoc. professor and chair of engineering and physics, dir. ofmechanical engineeringprogram and dir. office of sponsored programs Miller, Brenda, bookstore asst. mgr. Miller, Robin, professor oftheater Miller, Jim, assoc. p rofessor and chair ofthe communication department 296 Miller, Joe, general maintenance Miller, Kent, engineering shop coord. Mills, Donna, nursingfaculty admin. asst. Mills, Nathan, assoc. professor ofbiology Mills, Rebecca, admissions secretary Milner, Wayne, asst. registrar Mimms, John, communicatiom technological asst. Mitchell, Brian, network admin. Mitchell, Robbie, painter Mock, Greg, assoc. professor and medical dir. of the PA program Montgomery, Jeff, UCM dir. ofphoto services 201 Moon, John, professor ofbiology Moore, Candice, UCM dir. ofmarketing 201 Moore, Connie, student health admin. asst. Moore, Jessica, assoc. professor ofkinesiology Moore, Justin, assoc. professor and dir. ofthe marriageandfamily therapy program Moore, Lew, professor ofmarriage andfamily therapy and dir. ofthe coumeling center 201 Moore, Steve, professor ofbiology Morgan, Jeff, athleticdir. and men's basketba// coach 246 Moss, Brenda, northwest Arkamas professional center asst. dir. Mote, Robby,footba// coach Mount, Nicole, asst. professor ofPA program Mulvany, Laura, instructorofcommunication sciences and disorders Muncy, Zac, asst. professor ofbusiness admin. Murphy, Jonathan, UCM dir. ofnew services Murphy, Marci, PA program admissions dir. Murphy, Michael, professor, dir. and chair ofthe PA program Murray, McKay, costume design and costume shop coord. Murray, Lambert, professor ofengineering and physics Muse, Greg, dir. ofadvancement Myers, Emily, Armstrong Hall RLC Myers, Eric, asst. professor ofexercise and sport sciences Myhan, Jerry, assoc. professor ofnursing N Neal, Sara Jo, collge ofbusiness admin. secretary Neal, Zach, dean ofstudents and asst. VP student life 201 Neill, Kelly, assoc. professor ofmusic Nesbit,James, asst. professor ofpham1acy practice Nesbitt,Debra, Keller Hall RLC Ness,Carter, lecturerofexercise and sports science NewholdL, aura, textbook asst. Newsom,Barbara, admin. asst. center of charitabk estate planning NickersonJ,osh, asst. dir. admissions Nickerson,Olivia, secretary behavioral sciences Nickleson, Robyn, network specialist 79 Nicodemus, Michael, assoc. professor of biology 74 Nix, April, human resources assoc. emp. and comp. NoahJ,ohn, business office dir. 201 Noble, Sam, general maintenance carpenter NorrisJ,i m , assoc. professor of pharmaceutical sciences Norris, Sandy, admin. asst. teacher preparation North,Henry, asst. professor of pharmaceutical sciences Nowakowski,Deanna, collegeofnursing admin. asst. to the dean Nunnally,Carolyn, PA program education technical coord. Nunnally,Matthew, communication infrastructure mgr. Nutt, Debby, assoc. professor ofnursing 0 O'Brian, Stephanie, dir. upward bo11nd 201 O'Neal, Wyndham, behavioral sciences secretary Oden, Daniel, asst. professor ofBible and ministry Odom, Brian, asst. professor ofphysical therapy Oji, Val, assoc. professor ofpharmacy Okai, Benjamin, postdoctoral research assoc. Okai, Olivia, serials technical asst. Oliver, Mike, assoc. professor ofbusiness mgt. Ollis, Harvey, general maintenanceforeman Olree, Kenneth, assoc. professor ofbusiness admin. 316 and dir. ofWa/dron Center Oropeza, Micky, admissions asst. dir. Oropeza, Sarah, instructor offamily and consumer sciences Orpin, Tracy, HVAC tech. Ortiz, Alex, account mgr. (loans) business office Owens, Hannah, UCM dir. ofdigital media 201 p Page, Rigel, financial aid counselor Palmer, Scott, academic serv. coord. Parker, Allison, Watson £RC di,: Parker, Joey, instructor engineering and physics Parker, Wesley, assoc. professor ofmusic Patten, Todd, chair ofmental health and wellness Parcerson, Maren, instructional designer CT&L Patterson, Marlon, tech services asst. in library Perkins, Will, assoc. registrar Permenter, Mike, physical resources cabinet carpenter Phillips, Bryan, professor ofexercise and sport sciences Picker, Joshua, bookstore shipping a11d receiving clerk Pitt, Paul, professor ofart Pitt, Sharon, asst. professor ofcommunication Pittman, Trixie, asst. professor ofbiology Pleasant, Audra, JP logistics admin. Plybon, Deb, collegeofeducation office and graduation coord. Plybon, Wes, engineering and physics lab dir. Pollard, Sherry, professor ofmarriage andfamily therapy and asst. dir. counseling Price, Farah, physical therapy admin. asst. Prince, Alfred, HVAC refrigeration, journeyman plumber and electrician 205 Prince, Travis, environmentalcontrolforeman Prior, Mark, HU16 and videoworks dir. Province, Dennis, professor ofchemistry Pruitt, Mark, admissions assoc. dir. Qualls, Amy, assoc. professor ofEnglish Quesinberry, Melissa, pharmacy office admin. mgr. R Rackley, Vann, professor ofmarriageand family therapy Ragsdale, Sheryl, marketing coord. graduate programs Ragsdale, Janis, internationalprogram admin. Ragsdale, Scott, assoc. professor ofcomputer science Ramey, Kevin, assoc. professor and dir. ofclinical education for physical therapy Ramirez, Katie, asst. prof ofcommunication and dir. ofstudent publications Rampey, Rebekah, chair and assoc. professor of biology Ramsey, Alice, admin asst. ofgraduate school ofbusiness Ray, Kevin, parking enforcement officer Rea, Toni, admin. asst. ofdistance Bible and preaching Redding, David, men's tennis coach 249 Reed, Juana, office mgr. college ofBible and religion Reely, Robert, professor ofbusiness mgt. Reely, Ronda, instructor ofnursing Reese, David, Camp Tahkoda.h mgr. Reese, Jenna, Camp Tahkoda.h rentals coord. Reynolds, Deena, patrolman Rice, Peter, asst. professor ofBible and ministry Richardson, William, professor ofBible and ministry Richmond, Rodney, assoc. professor of pharmacy practice Riley, Kayla, admin. asst. professional counseling Ritchie, Bob, instructor ofcommunication Ritchie, Debbie, admin. secretary ofpharmacy Ritchie, Lisa, prof offamily and consumer sciences and dir. of the didactic program in dietetics Ritchie, Thomas, asst. professor ofkinesiology and dir. ofwomen's intramurals Roberson, Lisa, bookstore secretary and customer clerk Roberts, Emily, Harding.fund dir. 201 Roberts, Jonathon, financial aid dir. 20 I Robertson, Jesse, assoc. professor ofBible and ministry Robin on, Halbert, groundskeeper Robison, David, theater and special events a11dio Rodenbeck, cacey, asst. professor ofbiology Rogers, Rita, bookstore mail order supervisor Ross, Alyse, admin. asst. ofcollege ofBible and ministry Ross, David, human resources asst. VP 201 Ross, Gary, asst. professor ofbusiness admin. Rucker, Jana, VP UCM 195 Ruhl, Patrick, asst. professor biology Rummel, Sandy, asst. to the dir. ofnon-traditional teacher preparation Rush, Lacy, instructorofexercise and sport sciences Russell, Craig, public safety dir. 201 Ryan, Marjorie, postal services clerk