2018-2019 Yearbook

E Eads, Laura, asst. professor ofmusic Ebenja, Cathy, asst. track coach 206 Edens, Lynn, physical therapy admin. coord. Edwards, Nola, press operator Edwards, Lee, asst. professor ofBible and ministry Elander, Kelly, asst. professor of communication Elliott, David, professor ofkinesiology Ellis, Wendy, asst. professor ofeducation and dir. ofthe reading program Elrod, Ti h, business office account records clerk Ely, Alan, patrolman Emberson, Adam, HVAC electrician Emberson, Mark, energymgt. systems tech. Engel, Li a, asst. professor ofnursing Engel, Terry, assoc. professor and chair of the English departmmt English, Angela, college ofeducation program, labs and account coord. English, Micaleigh, Mitchell Center admin. asst. Evdoxiadis, Sylvie, asst. professor of foreign languages Exum, John, network services IT mgr. F Fager, Karie, Allen Hall RLC Fager, Marc, asst. professor ofeducation and dir. field placement professio,1al counseling Fanning, D'Andrea, articulation coord. Farley, Mark, asst. professor of business administration Fear, Meredith, volleyball coach 201, 249 Figley, Terry. dir. ofgraduate education, offcampus program Finley, Britney, asst. professor ofkinesiology Fish, Seth, asst. technical dir. Fisher, Denise, assoc. professor and chair of the FC department Fisher. Jennifer, asst. professor ofCSD Fisher, Shawn, asst. professor ofhistory and ROTC liaison Fleener, I ora, student support and communications mgr. 200 Flowers, Kimberly, assoc. professor ofeducation and dir. ofeducational leaderhsip Flowers, Owen, asst. recreation dir. Ford, Debbie, assoc. professor ofsocial work Ford, Joanne, physical resources office rental mgr. Foster, Rhonda, Legacy Park RLC Foster, Ron, admin. asst. ofnursing grad. program Foust, Gabriel, asst. professor ofcomputer science Frazier, Allen, professor and dean ofcollege of business administration 200 Frazier, April, Graduate Hall RLC Frazier, Randy, parking enforcement officer Frazier, Sandy, business office asst. dir. Freese, Katherine, admin. asst. and dir. ofMSPC Friar, Karen, mailing center supervisor Frye, Dottie, asst. professor oftheater and dir. of Pied Pipers and Spring Sing 295 Frye, Steve, professor and chair ofthe theater department and dir. ofSpring ing and SSDT Fuller, Lisa, asst. prof and e-leaming and inst. librarian G Gaither, Doug, master plumber physical resources Gallagher, Liann, asst. professor ofhistory 295 Galyan, Ashlie, IS&T business intelligence architect Ganus, Clifton, professor, chair ofmusic department,dir. ofchoral activities Ganus, Jessica, asst. professor ofnursing Gardener, Jessica, asst. professor ofnursing Gardner, Burch, career center dir. 200 Garner, Pat, professor ofcommunication Garner, Karen, asst professor ofnursing Gastineau, Zane, professor, chair ofthe department ofengineeringand physics Gettman, Lana, assoc. professor ofpharmacy Gibson, Lance, asst. professor ofengineering and physics Gibson, Stacy, assoc. professor ofart and design Gilbert, Paula, bookstore website and inventory maintenance Gilliam, Rodger, shop foreman Glover, Cara, a d m i n . asst . o f engineering and physics Goode, Scott, asst. athletics dir. for sports Gould, Tma. dir. o_f testing 200 Gowan, Gia, stockroom office mgr. Gowen, Kay, assoc. professor and dir. of abundant living Goy, Jo, asst. professor of biology Grace, Susan, instructorand dir. ofpharmacy student affairs Graves, Ken, dir. ofglobal outreach coll.ege ofBible and ministry 200 Gregersen, Loretta, asst. dir. of residencelife Gregerson, Dana, general maintenance Gregg, Gary, assoc. dir. centerfo r advanced ministry training Gregory, Cherise, PA program clinical secretary Griffin, Jim, tobacco cessation coord. Griffin, Sarah, asst. professor ofpharmacy practice and asst. dean of academic affairs Grogan, Susan assoc. professor ofeducation and dir. ofnon-traditional teacher preparation programs Guptill, Georgann, reading program office mgr. Gutierrez, Ally, instructor ofbehavioral science Gutierrez, Michal, asst. professor ofBible Guy, Jordan, asst. professor ofBible and ministry Guy, Nathan, assoc. professor ofBibleand ministry Guymon, teve, asst. professor of kinesiology and track coach H Hackney, Ted, dir. ofcenterfor charitable estate planning 200 Hale, Ben, programmer and analyst Haley, Jantzen, publications writer UCM Hall, David, bookstore and Heritage Inn mgr. 200 HaII, Judy,financial aid coumelor Hall, Lydia, Shores Hall RLC Hall, Tammy, asst. VP offinance 200 Halliburton, Harley, desktop support specialist Hamblin, Jennifer, student payroll clerk Hamilton, Tim, asst. professor ofcommunication Hammes, Whitney, public service librarian Haney, Andi, generation HU dir. 253 Hannigan, Scott, senior dir. ofadmissions 200 Hansen, Ben, asst. dir. ofthe Mitchell Center Harding, Brody, armed patrolman public safety Harlow, Ronnie, asst. professor ofexercise and sport sciences and head athletic trainer Harnden, Greg, assoc. athletic dir. Harrell, Hannah, admissions counselor Harrell, Heather, financial aid loan counselor Harrington, Brian, dir. ofcenter for professional excellence college ofbusiness administration Harris, Anissa, college ofpharmacy dir. ofassessment Harris, Greg, asst. professor ofkinesiology and women'ssoccer coach 248 Harris, Jackie, asst. professor ofnursing Harris, Julie, professor ofhistory 294 Harrison, Debbie, secretary ofkinesiology and exercise scimce Hatfield, Briana, asst. dir. ofthe McNair program Harvany, Jake, college ofphannacy lab tech. Hawkins, Susan, asst. to dir. of educational leaderhsip Heffley, Silas, asst. HUG dir. Helpenstill, Kathy, assoc. professor of behavioral sciences Hender on, Allen, asst. professor ofeducation Henderson, Braden, recreation center mgr. Henton, Alice, asst. professor ofcommunication sciences and dosorders Henton, athan, asst. professor ofEnglish Hernandez, LeAnn, trusts, annuities and reporting coord. Herring, MaRanda, asst. professor of pharmacy practice Hester, Ranan, asst. dean ofstudents 200 Hewerc, Alan, instructor of engineering and physics Hicks, Chuck, asst. professor ofmu.sic Hill, Chris, asst. football coach Hill, Gary, professor and clinical dir. of the PA program Hill, Jennifer, PA program secretary Hill, Tristen, asst. to dir. Watson ERC Hixson-Wallace, Julie, professor ofpharmacy practice and Vice Provost for accreditation and institutional effictiveness 195 Hobby, Ken, professor of psychology Hodges, Laura, construction bookkeeper Hofheinz, Mario. asst. professor ofPA p rogram Hoggan, Dutch, professor of communication Hogue, Gary, armed p,ttrolman Holland, Jason, p r o f e s s oor f math ematics Hollandsworth, Heather, chemistry lab tech Holmes, Ted, foreman, journeyman plumber Holst, Sharyl, admin. asst. for graduate studies college ofeducation Hook, Tom, HULA dir. Hopper, Jeffrey, dean ofinternational programs 200 Howard, Leeann, asst. professor ofeducation and COE dir. offield experience Howell, Byron, instructor ofmathematics Howell, Dustin. institutional researcher andgolf coach 235, 248 Howell, Liz, VP ofalumni and parmt relations 195 Huckeba, Ronnie, smior advancement officer Hudkins, Emily, assoc. dir. ofMitchell Center Huff, James, asst. professor ofengineeringand physics and dir. ofengineering assessmmt Huff, Melinda, instructor ofchemistry Huffard, Ileene, assoc. professor ofeducation and dir. ofMid-South Professional Center Hug, Amber, biology lab tech. Hunt, Larry, professor ofEnglish Hunter, Cindy, executive asst. to president 194, 195 I Ingram, Cindi, admin. asst. to student life Ireland, Dwight, professor ofpsychology counseling sta. Ireland, Jonathon, men's soccer coach 248 Ireland, Mike, professor ofBible and ministry 315 I INDEX Jackson, Emily, stockroom receptionist Jackson, Gary, instructor ofBible and ministry Jamerison, Alex, dir. ofchurch relations 200 James, Mike, dean ofthe honors college 200 Jameson, Weston, asst. women's basketball coach 247 Jeffrey, Sam, asst. professor ofbehavioral sciences Johnson, Debbie, admin. asst. ofASI Johnson, Li, program asst. for Chinese studentlife Johnson, Mary, desk clerk ofHeritage Inn Johnson, Renee, admin. asst. ofcommunication Johnson, Tyrel, mgr. ofsecuritytechnologies Johnston,Jim, professor ofeducation Joice, Chad, asst. deanofstudents 200 Jones, Ben, asst. professor oftheater Jones, Carol, instructor and dir. of pharmacy admissions Jones, Ellen, asst. professor ofpharm. practice Jones, Genevieve, asst. professor offoreign languages 293 Jones, Lisbeth, asst. professor ofmusic Jones, Melvin, part-time postal services clerk Jones, Pam, admin. secretary of pharmaceutical scimces Jones, Shanna, instructor of family and consumer sciences Jones, Tim, finance systems analyst Jordan, Whitaker, asst. professor of foreign languages Julian, Diana, assoc. professor ofeducation K Kamdem, Landry, assoc. professor of pharmaceutical sciences Keck, Russell, asst. professor of English Kee, Bonnie, academic support coord. of foreign languages Kee, David, asst. professor ofbusiness admin. Kehl, Kevin, dean ofthe centerfor s studentsuccess 200 Kehl, Susan, assoc. professor and dean ofthe Carr college of nursing 200 Kellar, Terri, admin. asst. ofparking and security Keller, John, professor ofart and design Kelley, Karen, asst. professor ofnursing Kemp, Peggy, graphic designer Harding press Kemper, Debbie, program coord. for PA program Kemper, Heather, alumni events and project dir. Kerr, Steve, physical resources carpenter Kiles, Todd, creative coord. UCM Killins, Anica, asst. professor ofphysical therapy Kirby, Paula, dir. e-leamingand multimedia systems Kirby, Tim, asst. professor and women's basketball coach 247 Kirk, Zach, desktop support specialist Kirkman, Kim, assoc. executive dir. of ASI 201, 289 Kis ack, Julie, professor and chair ofthe pharmacy practice department Kissinger, Price, PLM journeyman plumber and welder Klein, Kevin, professor ofpolitical science and public admin. Klein, Lori, asst. professor ofhistory and political science 295 Knight, Lauren, instructor international programs Krug, Caleb, midnight shift armed sergeant