A Abston, Kara, asst. dean ofstudents 200 Adair, Amy, asst. professor ofthe college ofeducation Adair, Scott, assoc. professor Adams, Daniel, professor and chair of the department ofart and design Adams, David, assoc. professor Adams, Glen, professor ofpsychology Aders, Jonathan, events spaces tech. asst. for theater Akpanudo, Usen, assoc. professor ofeducation Alexander, Jenene, professor and dir. of professional counseling Alexander, Tom, professor college ofBible and ministry Allen, Kathy, dir. o fresidence life 200 Allen, Mike, asst. professor ofbusiness Allen, Robert, instructor offoreign languages Anderson, Debbie, bookkeeper Atkins, Rodney.journeyman plumber physical resources Austin, Amy, accounts payable clerk Austin, Beverly, asst. professor o fart Aziamov, Kari, admin. asst. to dean college ofeducation B Baber, Steve, professor ofmath and computer science Bailey, Daniel, asst. professor ofpharm. practice Baird, Danny, electrician Baird, Debbie, honors college admin. Baird, Jim, mgr. client support and consulting Bai rd, Tim, professor ofcomputer science and department chair Baker, Adam, asst. professor and dir. of mid-child education Baker, Amy, instructor ofcommunication sciences and disorders 48 Baker, Andrew, asst. professor ofBible and dir. Mitchell Center 28, 48 Baker-Abrams, Kim, assoc. professor ofsocial work Bane, Chuck, asst. professor ofcommunication 85 Bane, Paulette, asst. professor English Bangs, David, professor ofeducation and chair of graduate studies Barber, Steven, asst. professor ofengineering physics Barger, Roger, construction foreman and carpenter Barnett, Bob, preventative main service specialist Barrett, Allen, IT security and systems admin. Bartee, Klay, asst. professor Bashaw, Pat, asst. professor ofeducation Beason, Clay, HUG dir. Beason, Loren, HUG dir. and asst. professor Bell, Shaun, office mgr. ofpublic safety Bennett, Cassie, admin. asst. theater Ben nett, Donald, pressman Bentley, Joyce, groundskeeper Berry, Debbie, athletic compliance officer Berry, James, dir. ofassessment 200 Berry, Phil, women's softball coach 248 Biglow, Tre'von, asst. football coach 207 Billingsley, Sara, payroll clerk Bi ell, Ken, senior advancementofficer Bissell, Renee, assoc. dir. ofgraduate student financial aid Blackstone, Ginger, asst. professor broadcast journalism and electronic media 292 Blake, Brittany, instructor ofFCS Bland, Dave, professor ofhomiletics Bland, Justin, asst. professor ofexercise and sport science Boaz, Becky, asst. professor FCS Bohannan, Penny, office mgr. ofbusiness office Bohn, Kaci, assoc. professor pharmaceutical sciences Bolin, Mary, asst. to dir. Walton Scholar Program and international students Bond, Eric, server and storage admin. Bond, Kristi, chair offoreign language and international studies 86 Bookwalter, Laura, asst. to library dir. Boone, John, health sciences instructor and Librarian Boone, Katherine, admin. asst. ofcollege of allied health Boone, Lauren, asst. professor Boone, Nick, asst. professor ofEnglish Boutell, Meredith, admin. asst. ofFCS Bowling, Jerry, professor offamily ministries Boyd, Darlene, nursing facuityadmin asst. Boyd, Nicky, dir. ofWalton Scholar Program and international students 200 Brackett, Kelly, secretary UCM Bradley, Virginia, federal postal services clerk Breedlove, Cathy, senior accountant Breezed, Brenda, systems librarian and asst. professor Breezed, Steven, professor and chair ofhistory and political science 295 Brister, Amelia, information services asst. Brister, Tim, secondary math specialist Brooker, Blair, audio visual tech. Brooker, Lynette, dir. budget and payroll 200 Brooks, Greg, assoc. dean and assoc. professor nursing Brooks, Michael, professor ofeducation Brown, Ann, assoc. professor ofEnglish Brown, Josh, asst. professor pharmaceutical science Brown, Michalie, social media coord. and admissions Brown, Phil, professor ofaccounting and chair of accounting & finance Brown, Rich, professor and chair ofmarketing department 212, 213 Brownfield, Jake, dir. ofacademic affairs 200 Brukardt, Tammy, accounting asst. Brumfield, Joe, professor of Bible Bruner, Ben. assoc. professor ofbiology Bryant, Lisa, asst. professor ofeducation 4 Bullard, Alli, Harbin Hall RLC Burk, Jimmy, asst. professor ofmath Burks, Bryan, VPfor advancement 195 Burks, David, chancellor 195 Burks, Stephen, professor and chair of kinesiology department Burt, Jeanie, asst. professor ofnursing Burton, Joe, groundskeeper Burton, Karen, asst. professor ofbusiness Bury, Jim, asst. professor ofBible Buterbaugh, Tom, asst. dir. UCM 200 Byers, Briana, admin. asst. ofadvance and disability services Byers, Tiffany, dir. ofmulticultural student services and student success 200 Byrd, Wes, EVC electronics tech. C Cameron, Ken, professor ofpsychology Campbell, Dan, senior advancement officer Campbell, Laura, admin. asst. ofstudent life Campbell. Mike, service electrician Carpenter, Heath, asst. professor ofEnglish 272 Carper, Karen, purchasing coord. Carr, Jim, senior VP 195 Carrell, Cindy, assoc. professor Carrell, Scott, assoc. professor ofmusic Carrigan, Ben, elem. science instructor specialist Carroll, Clara, assoc. dean and professor ofeducation Carter, Amie, asst. dir. ofhuman resources Carter, Ryan, construction mgr. physical resources Case, Allison, LMS support specialist Casey, Warren, dean college ofarts and humanities 200 Castleberry, Jeanne, dir. ofadmissiom Castleman, Teresa, event coord. and admin. asst. to VP ofchurch relations Cavitt, Jeff, HVAC tech. Cavitt, Jane, asst. registrar Celsor, Pam, admin. secretary ofstudent affairs ofpharmacy Chalenburg, Daniel, simulation and resource coord. college ofhealth sciences Chalenburg, Kara, Searcy Hall RLC Chalenburg, Mike, asst. VP IS&T 200 Chance, Carla, Lecturer lab tech. ofchemistry Chance, Jared, electrician physical resources Chance, Kristina, asst. to the dean ofhonors college Chance, Mike, assoc. professor, band, orchestra, cood. instructor Chance, Tim, instructorcommunication sciences and disorders Chandler, Steven, IP communication and recruiting coord. Chism, Kevin, asst. football coach Choate, teven, assoc. professor art and design Churchman, Bob, asst. professor ofaccozmting Clarin, Dona, asst. professor ofnursing Claxt0n, Michael, assoc. professor ofEnglish 278 Clayton, Greg, assoc. professor ofart and design Cline, Emillia, inter-library loan technical asst. Cloer, Eddie, professor ofBible and preaching Cochran, Ross, professor ofBible Coizman, Michelle, asst. professor of Spanish Collett, Angela, account services specialist Collins, Barbara, clinical admin. asst. PA program Collins, David, executive VP 195 Colon, Ricky, asst. professor ofart Conley, Ava, professor ofSpanish Cook, Andrew, asst. professor ofmusic Cook, Lou, secretary ofkinesiology Cook, Mike, groundskeeper Cooper, Cindi, temp. registrar office Cooper, Kim, asst. professor ofnursing Cooper, Rocky, asst. mgr. ofHeritage Inn Cooper, Steve, assoc. professor ofbiology Corker, Karen, dir. ofaccounting Costello, Haley, admin. asst. centerfor professional excellence Courtemanche, Jordan, asst. professor ofmathematics Cox, Arny, asst. professor ofart Cox, Brian, asst. professor and dir. of athletic training Cox, Gerald, print resources librarian and assoc. professor Cox, Kelley, student records specialist 314 Cox, Linda, Cone Hall RLC Cox, Marcy, student health services nurse Cox,Monte, professor and dean ofthe college of Bible and ministry 97, 200 Creel, Tim, asst. professor ofasst. professor ofaccounting Crews, John, postal service tech. Crisco, Joanna, office mgr. ofalumni Cronk, Keith, CJO and VPfor IS&T 195 Cronk,Reet, professor ofbusiness 289 Crow, Rene, assoc. professor ofeducation Crowson,Marvin, missionary-in-residence 22 Cullins, Luke, asst. professor ofscience Cullins, Shawna, admin. asst. communication sciences disorders speech clinic Cullum, Mark, assoc. professor ofexercise 80 Cunningham, Briana, counselor Curtis, Trish, account mgr. and business officer D Daggett, Jeremy, HULA dir. Daggert, Shawn, dir. ofthe center for missions Daugherty, Natalie, admin. asst. ofadvancement Daughety, David, lab support specialist Daughety, Ed, deputy dir. oftraining . and invest-armed David, A.nora, office asst. and CT&L and AV Davis, Andrew, weekend sargent public safety Davis, Annette, student services asst. VP secretary Davis, Brenda, provost office admin. asst. Davis, Bryan, CT&Lmgr. Davis, Christopher, assoc. professor ofgraduate business administration Davis, Heather, Cathcart Hall RLC Davis, Jill, asst. professor ofmathematics Davis, Kevin, asst. dir. ofpublic safety Davis, Mark, professor ofbusiness administration Davis, Penny, AS] dir. ofco nference center Davis, Rhonda, dir. ofstudent health services 200 Davis, Tania, Sears Hall RLC Davis, Tan non, instructor and dir. of the ADVANCE program 200 Dawson, Ruth A.nn, marriage andfamily therapy office mgr. Day, Joni, instructor ofcommunication sciences and disorders DeMario, Blake, weekend sergeant DeRamus, Danny, dir. ofphysical resources 200 DeRamus, Robbie, grants and endowment coord. Decker, Nikki, testing lab specialist Diefenbach, Ben, college ofnursing resource coord. Diles, Allen, assoc. professor ofBible and church history Diles, Amanda, asst. p rofessor ofPA studies Diles, Laurie, assoc. professor ofcommunication Dillinger, Andrew, electrician Dillinger, Dan, service electrician Dillion, Kathy, assoc. professor ofEnglish Dockery, Jared, assoc. professor ofhistory Dodson, Craig, financial aid counselor Dod on, Emily, business office cashier Donley, David, asst. professor ofbiology Douglass, Carol, professor ofeducation and dir. of the special education program Douglass, Gabriella, asst. professor of pharmacy practice Dubose, Jim, press operator Duke, Debbie, professor ofmathematics and asst. dean for pre-professional programs 292 Duke, John, assoc. professor ofhistory 246 Dunning, Jessica, admin. coord.