2018-2019 Yearbook

STUDENT LIFE I INTERNATIONAL I SOCIALCLUBS I ACADEMICS I PEOPLE I LEADERSHIP I ATHLETICS I ORGANIZATIONS Kara Abston, MBA assistant dean ofstudents Kathy Allen, B.B.A. dir. ofresidence Life James Berry, Ph.D. dir. ofassessment Nicky Boyd, Ed.D. dir. ofWalton Scholars Program and international students Lynette Brooker, MBA dir. ofbudget andpayroll Jake Brownfield, Ed.S. dir. ofacademic affairs Torn Buterbaugh, B.A. assistant dir. ofUniversity Communications and Marketing Tiffany Byers, MBA dir. ofmulticultural student services and student success Warren Casey, Ph.D. dean ofCollege ofArts and Humanities MikeChalenburg, B.A. assistant VP IS&T Monce Cox, Ph.D. assoc. prof and dean ofCollege ofBible and Ministry Rhonda Davis, BSN dir. ofstudent health services Tannon Davis, MBA dir. ofADVANCEprogram Danny DeRamus, B.A. dir. ofphysical resources Lora Fleener, B.B.A. student support and communications manager Al Frazier, Ph.D. assoc. prof and dean ofCollege ofBusiness Administration Burch Gardner, Ed.D. dir. ofcareer center Tina Gould, MBA dir. oftesting Ken Graves, M.A. dir. ofglobal outreach Ted Hackney, J.D. dir. ofCenterfor Charitable Estate Planning David Hall, B.A. manager ofHarding Bookstore and Heritage Inn Tammy Hall, MBA assistant VP offinance Scott Hannigan, MBA senior dir. ofadmissions Ranan Hester, M.S. assistant dean ofstudents Jeffrey Hopper, Ph.D. dean ofinternationalprograms AlexJamerison, MACM dir. ofchurch outreach Mike James, Ph.D. dean ofHonors College Chad Joice, Ed.D. assistant dean ofstudents Kevin Kehl, Ed.D. dean ofCenter for Student Success Susan Kehl, Ph.D. assoc. prof and dean ofCollege ofNursing 200