2017-2018 Yearbook

(f) u ~ w 0 <( u <( 0 a, A DEDICATION TO REMEMBER DEDICATES EDUCATION CENTER TO BETTY WATSON HARDING RESOURCE WORDS Jessie Smith// PHOTOS Kazu F1gisa1va & Evan SJVearingen The Cannon-Clary College of Education dedicated the Education Resource Center (ERC) in the Thornton Education Center to Dr. Betty Watson on Oct. 20, 2017, renaming it the Watson Center. Watson taught at Harding for 47 years and started the first ERC with only two bookshelves. he passed away in spring 2017, but her love of children' literature and young teachers left a legacy in the college of education. ccording to Allison Parker, RC director who took over the center in May 2017, the ERC offered services such as binding hot and cold lamination, copying and prinring. A coffee station sold hot beverages, and comfortable chairs provided places to read or study. Assistant director McKenna Crabtree started working in the ERC in August 2017 and appreciated its learning-centered environment. "It's ju ta Christ-like atmosphere," Crabtree said. "It's a peaceful place to be, and I like the pace." Watson taught Parker during her years as a student at Harding, and Parker considered anyone who sat in Watson's classroom to be very lucky. " he made you love reading, and he made you love (to teach] reading," Parker said. "I don't know a lot of people that I've encountered that haven't been t uched by her in some way. he's inspired a lot of people." President Bruce McLarty and Dean of Education Raymond Lee both spoke at the dedication, and ~ at on' husband, children and grandchildren attended as well. " he was an outstanding teacher, and I think she's ju t touched so many Ii es," Parker aid. "It's a timeless impact that she' made. I feel like it's very fitting for this center, which is lively and fun, to be named in her honor." Cheri Smith, chair of the teacher preparation program and associate professor of education, and the College of Education Leadership Team decided to dedicate the ERC to Watson. Smith took Watson's children's literature cla s, and now Smith has taught children' literature at Harding. " he was really a legend in her own time," mith said. "Following her has been a real joy for me." mith viewed \1 at on as a Harding icon for her faith and her devotion to her work. " he loved that she was able to reach so many children because he had taught so many teachers," mith said. "I think her legacy was definitely related to the love f children's literature and blessing the lives of children through that. I think it was a generational legacy of love for literature." I The Watson Center is stocked with shelves full of children's literature. Dr. Betty Watson, the dedication recipient, taught children's literature for 47 years at Harding. I I Photo by Evan Swearingen President Bruce Mclarty speaks during the Watson Center dedication on Oct. 20, 2017 in the Thornton Education Center. Harding dedicated the center to Watson who passed away spring 2017. II Photo by Kazu Fujisawa Students have the opportunity to study quietly in the Watson Center. With many books available, the center was a peaceful place to read and learn.// Photo by Evan Swearingen