2017-2018 Yearbook

tv y favor.le rr.emory here was during Carnevale. My friends and I each bought masks and JOi ed 1n on the celebration. I will always remember that night because of the way he lia!ians er1braced us and helped us feel a part of heir vivacious culture." I "Paris is a dream. Everything I had seen in 'Gossip Girl' and 'Julie & Julia' was spot on. The people of Pans are glamorous and cook the most amazing food. Everywhere around me was filled with beauty and was familiar in some way.' Photo by Taryr. Foster// Location: Venice, Italy Photo by Katelyn Williams// Location: Pans, France "Without a doubt, Iceland was mos incredible place we wen on ree memory from Iceland was getting to see he Northern Ugh s he firs Photo by Luke Diles// Loca ion: Gulfoss, Iceland ·1 remember the own being so tranquil and quie , nestled so comfortably between moun a1ns and water. I'll never orge he beauty of his pie uresque Aus nan VIiiage • Photo by Morgan Taylor// Location: Hallsta , Austria . -<---~~~ ~--..;.:---- . . -- ------ ?:·-·· - - -~ ~--.. ~