Schardein, Madelyn Schieffer, Daniel 74, 79 Schmidt, Laura Schonefeld, John Schott, Caitlin 77, 174, 301 Schroeder, Austin Schuth, Jennifer Schwartzkopf, Hunter 73 Schweikhard, Kayla 72, 124, 290, 296 Schwertley, Corbin 70, 72, 292 Scipper, Addie Scoggins, Raina Scott, Ahmad Scott, Alexandra 294 Scott, Cameron Scott, Clayton 73 Scott, Elizabeth 174 Scott, Emily 75, 297 Scott, Jacob Scott, James 291 Scott, Madison Scott, Madison 79 Scott, Madison Scott, Matthew 301 Scott, Nicholas 71, 301 Scott, Rebecca 78, 174 Scott, Timothy Scott, Troy Scott, Whitney 76, 124 Scrivener, Rachei 77, 298 Scroggins, Rebecca Seaman, April 124,301 Seaman, Griffin Seaman, Kylie Seaman, Sea Seaman, Wesiey 74 Searcy Summer Dinner Theatre (SSDT) 266 Sears, Dominec 79 Seay, Madilynn 76, 174 Sebourn, Mitchell Sees, Jacob 73 Selah, Kofi 291 Seker, Mehmet Seldura, Jeneanne Seleshi, Eyerusalem Sellers, Cristina Sellers, Joshua 70, 71, 156 Selvidge, Robbi 294 Sendra Palacios, Alejandro 251 Sexton, Taylor 74 Shafer, Julie Shaffer, Hannah 174 Shanachilubwa, Kanembe Shanklin, John 70, 291 , 294 Shannon, Cameron Shannon, Emilie Shannon, Katie 73, 174 Shannon, Taylor Shantih 77 Shappley, Cameron 74 Shappley, Zachary 74 Shappley, Zachary Sharbine, William 78 Share Smiles 300 Sharp, Toni 23, 76 Shaw, Emily Shaw, Faith 76, 251 Shaw, Hannah Shaw, Jayden 77 She, Yifan Shearer, Benjamin 79 Shearer, Haley 71 Shearin, Keaton 70, 156 Shearmire, Abbye 124, 249 Shearmire, Camri 71 Shearon, Rachel 76 Sheets, Emily 295 Sheffield, Elijah 139 Sheffield, Emily 74, 76, 124 Sheffield, Susan Shelburne, Paden 70, 76, 139 Shelby, David 79 Shelby, Jennifer Shelby, Leonard Shell, Emily 251 Shelley, Zachary Shelton, Audrey 74 Shelton, Bailey 54, 55, 79, 139 Shelton, Ellie Shepard, Ashley Shepard, Rhett 73 Shepherd, Alison Shepherd, Andrew 71 x Shepherd, Jerred 71, 78 ~ Shepherd, Samantha 291, 293, 298, 313 Z Sheppard, Samantha 75 ::::::: Sherpa, Tenzing Do~i co Sherrell, Stephanie ~ Sherrill, Dylan 124 Sherry, Matt 248 Sherwood, Grayson 76, 139, 294, 295 Shew, David Shields, Anna-Grace 248 Shields, Carter 73, 176 Shields, Taylor Shields, Vanessa 185,251 Shin, Shelby 176 Shine Bright 284 Shipman, Evan 78 Shipman, Fielding Shipman, Leslie Shirley, Rush Shoemaker, Leigh Shoptaw, Allyson Shore, Bregan Shores, Elizabeth 73, 156 Shorter, Jarred 74, 293 Shourd, Blake Showah, Tonya Shuherk, Ryan Shumaker, Audra 79 Shumaker, Emily 156 Shumate, Benjamin 70 Shumate, Jake 76, 79, 139 Shumate, Katlin 71 Shuttleworth, Jan Shuttleworth, Staci 176 Shuttleworth, Sydnye 251, 299 Sibert, Christian 176 Sibert, Faith 74, 248, 299 Sicilia, Megan Sides, Kylie 76 Sierra, Cristhian 176 Sigma Nu Epsilon (SNE) 63, 77 Sigma Phi Mu 63, 78 Sigma Tau Delta 300 Silva, Daniela 291 Silvestre Noj, Josue 73, 124, 300 Simmons, Alyssa Simmons, Bethany 156, 301 Simmons, Candyce 291 Simmons, Jeffrey 78 Simmons, Randy Simmons, Thomas Simpson, Ashley 76, 124 Simpson, Autumn Simpson, Bryan Simpson, Jeffrey Simpson, Nickolas 71 , 176, 301 Simpson, Ruth Simpson, Samuel Sims, Abby Sims, Jorden 124, 292 Sims, Justin Sinanaj, Stela Singh, Jeneisha 291 Singkhek, Thalia 76, 301 Sipe, Carter 78 Sipe, Mary 74 Siphanh, Lianna 291 Sisemore, Laura Skelton, Hannah Skinner, Bobby Skinner, Christine 291 Skinner, Kegan 70, 124 Skinner, Parker 76, 294 Skipper, Bobbi Skipper, Tyler Sky Bisons 300 Slack, Emily Slagter, Allison 71 Slater, David Slaughter, Bella Slayton, Adam Sleege, Abigail 78, 176 Slinkard, Layla Sliter, Kathy Sloan, Eva 75, 293 Sloan, Melton Sloan, Micaela Slomers, Erin 73 Slomers, Zachariah 74, 124 Slott, Samuel Smartt, Kristen Smedley, Allison Smedley, Anna 74 Smedley, Clint 78, 79, 290 Smedley, Rachel 41 Smelser, Courtney 74 Smelser, Michelle Smiley, Caleb Smith, Alexa Smith, Alexis Smith, Amanda 297 Smith, Amy Smith, Annabeth 79 Smith, Ashley 76, 176 Smith, Barrett Smith, Bayleigh Smith, Blake 156 Smith, Brady Smith, Bronson Smith, Claire Smith, Claire Smith, Clint Smith, Cody 73, 248 Smith, Colin 70 Smith, Collin Smith, Connor 72 Smith, Courtney Smith, Daniel 71, 124, 294, 295 Smith, David 298 Smith, Dra'Vion 249 Smith, Elise 176 Smith. Emily 251 Smith. Eric Smith, Enca 76 Smith, Ethan 74 Smith, Faith 72, 294 Smith, Forrest Smith, Gabriel Smith, Grant 78, 139 Smith, Hannah 78 Smith, Holton Smith, India Smith, Jarod Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Jessie 296 Smith, Joseph 13, 139, 295 Smith, Joshua Smith, Joshua Smith, Justin Smith, Kathryn 251 Smith, Katlyn 176, 301 Smith, Keith 73 Smith, Kiera 176, 234, 250 Smith, Kimberly Smith, Kirsten 297 Smith, Kirstie 221, 249 Smith, Kooper Smith, Lane 248 Smith, Lolita Smith, Madeline 295 Smith, MaeKellie Smith, Makayla 51 Smith, Marcia Smith, Melinda Smith, Natalie 72. 124, 293 Smith, Olivia Smith, Payton Smith, Riley 156 Smith, Rose Smith, Ryan Smith, Samantha 291 Smith, Sara 79 Smith, Sean 73 Smith, Seth Smith, Sharon Smith, Shelley Smith, Tanner 248 Smith, Tessa Smith, Thelma Smith, William Smith, William 73 Smither, Timothy 73 Smyser, Ashley 72 Smyser, Brittany 72, 124, 292 Snedker, Zachary Snell, Jordan Snow, Ashton Snowden, Kylie 124 Snyder, Braden 79, 97, 156 Snyder, Carri Sobol, Carlie 185 Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM) 300 Sollis, Allison 75 Solomon, Erin 79, 176, 295 Sommers, Jessica 72, 292, 297 Sonnier, Alyssa Sorrell, Matthew 71, 124 Sorrells, Emily Sorrow, Lane Souvenirs 300 Sowards, Sarah Spangler, Ronald Spann, Caleb 74, 139 Spann, Caroline 73, 156 Spann, Mitchell Sparks, Bethany Sparks, Joshua 75, 291, 293 Sparks, Macey 71, 176 Spearman, Angela 183 Spears, Caleb S~rs. Greyson 78 Spears, Tami Speck, Elizabeth Speers, Kodi Speice, Nicolas 71, 176, 295 Spence, Megan, 291 Spencer, Ashton Spencer, Haley Spencer, James 76, 291 Spencer, Madison 72 Spencer, Meghan Spicer, Abby 79 Spicer, Brianna Spicer, Shelby 74, 290, 299 Spiess, Ethan 71, 156 Spillan, Kyle 124 Spillan, Morgan 112, 124 Spillman, Heather 71 Spinks, Taylor 297 Spradlin, Ian 250, 176 Springbom, Morgan 250, 250 Springman, Sheridan 74 Springman, Zachary 73 Sproston, Sierra Spruiell, Cory Ssekimpi, Mark 79, 176, 289 St Leger, William Stack, Christian 291 Stacy, Catherine 76, 176 Stafford, Cassandra Stafford, Landon 78 Stafford, Logan Stafford, Maya 79, 290 Stafford, Mitchell Stafford, Rachel 71, 74, 292, 295, 298 Stafford, Tavlor 156 Staggs, Stephen Staggs, Tonya Staiger, Donna Staiger, Suzanne Staley, Audra 78, 124 Stamatis, Michael Stamps, Ryan Standridge, Keri Stanfield, Jamal Stanfield, Kassie 124 Stang, Cory Stanley, Allen Stano, Jessica 301 Starck, Camille 71, 295 Starks, Jonathan 297 Stassin, Raneisha 94, 297,298,313 Staten, Kathleen 250, 292 Steadman, Vicki Steams, Andrea Steams, Annamarie Steed, Samantha Steele, Andrew Steely, Sarah 71 , 183, 291 Steggerda, Mcf<enzie 156 Steiling, Ash!ey 76, 124 Steiner, Daryl Stephens, Chad 79 Stephens, Chyna Stephens, Jill Stephens, Joe 76, 296 Stephens, Kylie Stephens, Mary Stephenson, Elizabeth Stephenson, Jacob Stephenson, Julia Stephenson, Julia Stepps, Robin Stettheimer, Mary Stetzinger, Daniel 71 Stevens, Alyssa Stevens, Ashlyn 76 Stevens, Car1ey 250 Stevens, Christopher Stevens, David Stevens, Madison 74 Stevens, Patti Stevenson-Wilcoxson, Mary Stevenson, Kendra 76, 124, 298, 313 Stevenson, Nicholas 76 Stevenson, Tyler Steward, Mackenzie Stewart, Carrie 76, 126, 290 Stewart, Colleen 77, 295 Stewart, Daniel Stewart, Elizabeth 74, 176 Stewart, Jacob 126, 292, 295 Stewart, Jana Stewart, John 79, 176 Stewart, Kelli 79 Stewart, Kristen Stewart, Lauren Stewart, Micah 75 Stewart, Peyton 78 Stewart, Robert 70, 71, 116, 126, 296 Stewart, Samuel Stewart, Sara