2017-2018 Yearbook

(!) z if) 0 _j 0 COLOPHON " ynthesis" is Volume 94 of the Petit Jean yearbook at Harding niver ity. It was printed by Walsworth Publi hing in Marceline, Iissouri. All pages were designed on pple computers using Adobe reative Cloud. COVER: The cover was produced on Lurninaire White Linen with a black spot color on the front cover and spine and a wrute silk screen on the pine. matte silver hot foil was used for name stamping. ENDSHEETS: The endsheets were 4/C on tandard White Endleaf stock. THEME: The-theme, "Synthesis," was developed byKaleb Turner, editor-in-chie£ COLOR & PRINTING: All 342 pages were printed on four-color proce son 100# Matte. TYPOGRAPHY: Headlines were set in Helvetica Bold and Helvetica Light. tories and captions were set in Garamond. PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographs were taken by student staff photographers Kazu Fujisawa, bigail ooper and Evan Swearingen. Other photographs were contributed to the Petit Jean or tak n by Jeff Montgomery, university photographer. DESIGN: Layouts and all graphics were designed by Carlie Tacker, creative director; with assistance from Thelma Garcia, assistant creative director; and Kaleb Turner, editor-in-chief. WRITERS: Josiah bney Jacob Ardrey Braden Bowman Taryn Brown Cassidy Colbert Olivia Cook Abigail o per Paige Cushman Caitlin Denton Savanna Di tefano arah Dixon CONTRIBUTORS: Aaron Alexander Joseph Berryman Rebecca Boaz Kendall Carwile Bethany Cobb Hannal1 Cobb Makensie Cobb Bronson Crabtree oah Darnell Luke Diles Taryn Foster Hall h st Steve Frye Ben Hansen 1adison Edwards Alexandra Petty mil) Faulkner Julia Reinboldt Dorothee Garcia udra humaker Thelma Garcia Martinez Jessie Smith Hannah Hitchcox Kendra Stevenson Anna Holland Luke Theisen Abby Kilgore Cayleigh Thomas Matthew King Katherine West Raianne fason Emily Wheeless Deanna Myles Garrett White Presley ixon Brian Harrington Elaine avage ilas Heffley Grant chol Leah Ho tetler Josh Sellers Taylor Howard Rachel Smedley athan Mayes Morgan Taylor Jacob IcCall Abby Tran terling McMichael Julie White Jim filler Katelyn \J illiams Jeff ontgomery Jill ilson teven Moore Hannah Wise Candice Moore A hel Parsons Macy Pate drian Rutter The Petit Jean's legacy does not live on witl1out the guidance, wisdom and friendship of several key individuals. a friend to everyone on staff, thank you. Your friendship and support behind the scenes make you a critical part of keeping tudent Publications thriving. To Johnny Cole, Blaze Hayes and Michelle Pugh, our stellar team of Walsworm representatives: Thank you for being the mentors, supporters and friends that make mings like this yearbook possible. Your support raised morale and rai ed spirits acros the office. Your face brightened the room and spread encouragement -..: hen deadlines got tough. Thank you for being a constant in a field where mings are always changing. To Jill Fowler, our customer ervice consult.ant: For every di tressed email, comforted worry and delicious baked good, we cannoc mank you enough. Thank you for easing fears and making u feel taken care of. People like you are the reason why thi book lo ks as beautiful as it does - becau e details matter, and you understand mat. Thank you. To Jeff Montgomery: Your job is vital to this uni ersity, and witl10ut you, this book would not be half the publication it is. Your photos and your presence on campus do not go unnoticed, and we are thankful for each and every contribution you have made to this place and this book that we love so much. To Rachel Molina and Z'Ann Allison: Most of u bugged you about refilling the printer wim toner or the refrigerator-..: ith drinks, but the love for you and your heart is s meming mat is never forgotten. Thank you for being a friend and compani n during the day-to-day ar und our crazy office. To ate Ramirez: For driving the van, bringing the d gs to the office and being GENERAL INFORMATION: To Katie Ramirez, director of tudent Publications and Petit Jean adviser: Words will never do justice what it means to have you on our team. From our first interviews to the final yearb ok distributed, you've been there. When issues arose, you were there to fix them. When we won awards and made personal accomplishments, you were our biggest cheerleader. ~ hen life got hard, you were a cornerstone of peace and understanding. For someone who is always on our team, know we're al-..: ays on yours. To tie Ramirez, our newest tudent Publications family member: Welcome to the world, little guy! We're so thankful you're here, and we've been so blessed by both of your parents - and J know they've been blessed by you, too. We expect you to be leading thi book in 20 years! 't President Bruce McLarty: To know that your support and the university's supp rt is at me helm of our publication means the world. When we talk to friends at other university publications, we get to brag on the love and support we receive from our admini tration, and you make that possible. To the students, faculty and raff: When creating this publication, we have the privilege of ~eering ju t a small number of you. The storie you tell and the m mories y u ·hare make u remember why we do what wed . You remind us that t ries and mem ries ar important because each of us i important - in ur own way, in our o-..: n story and in His story. The Petit Jean staff works in the Student Publications office, located on the first Ao r of the Donald W Reynolds Center for Music and Communication. Any correspondence can be sent to the Petit Jean, Harding University, Box 10812, earcy, Arkansas, 72149. tudents enrolled in 12 credit hours or more both semesters have paid sufficient general fees to cover the $30 cost of me yearbook. Depending on their enrollment status for the year, others are charged full or half price. The Petit Jean is a member of the Arkansas College Media Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame. ~