2017-2018 Yearbook

0... :i: (f) a: w 0 <( w .....J ::::::: 00 en DEVOTED TO DIVERSITY JAM ERISON TO EXPAND TAKES ON CHURCH NEW ROLE RELATIONS WORDS Emi/y Wheeless I I PHOTOS Abigail Cooper Alex Jamerison, a 2015 Harding graduate, was appointed director of diversity for church relations in fall 2017, which was a new position for the university. As part of the new job, Jamerison helped to intertwine diverse groups of students in the hopes of making Harding more inclusive. Dr. Dan Williams, vice president for church relations, believed that adding Jamerison to Harding's team was a great decision. "Alex is a phenomenal young man wh has a lot of energy, initiative and creativity," Williams said. ' '\1 e are delight d to ha him working in our office. David Collins, executive vice president, agreed with \1 illiams, explainingJamerison's job addressed an important part of Harding's community. "I am excited about this new po ·ition for Harding and especially to have Alex filling this important role," Collins said. "Becoming a more raciall~• diverse community is among our top priorities at the university, and ,ve are striving to be a place where people of all race feel a sense of belonging." Jamerison's position in olved networking, meaning he sp nt most of his time building relationships ,vi.th churche , introducing them to the res urces that Harding offered and inviting them to events like Lecture hip. r le also used his time to help de elop scholar hips for student . In addition,Jamerison and a committee met and discu ed what could be done to make Harding more aware of its own diversity. "We want Harding to be more kingdom-centered and that requires more than just one type or one background or one characteristic of a per n," Jamerison said. "The kingdom is made up of various people , and we want Harding to be a reflection of the kingdom. [ Iy] position is geared towards that end." I Alex Jamerison, director of diversity for church relations, challenges listeners to be "more than conquerors" during Lectureship in the Administration Auditorium on Sept. 27, 2017. On Aug. 1, 2017, Jamerison assumed the newly created role in churc11 relations and sought to cultivate a community that better celebrated racial diversity. // Photo by Abigail Cooper