2017-2018 Yearbook

SUMMER WITH SELLERS SOPHOMORE SPENDS SUMMER ON REMOTE PACIFIC ISLAND WORDS Audra Shumaker I I PHOTOS Josh Sellers I n summer 2017, junior Josh sellers embarked on a 22-hour journey to the middle of the Pacific ocean to a remote island called Kwajalein. The small and roughly three-mile wide island was owned and run by the ยท.s. making it a private isbnd with no tourists. the only people allowed to visit the island were costumers and workers' relatives, which allowed Sellers to visit his mother, Donna impson, and step-father. This was the only second time ellers had been able to visit in the past two years his m ther worked on the island, because the process of gaining access to the island was not easy. "Any visitor has to be sponsored," impson said. "Forms are submitted, and they are given a short background check for any criminal record before being approved to be on the island." Once Sellers was cleared to go, he made his journey to Kwajalein, where he spent six weeks exploring the island. ''The sea life was incredibly abundant," Sellers said. "Anytime you scuba or snorkel you will see a ton of fish, sharks [and] manta rays. It's different everytime you go." According to Sellers, the most impactful part of the island's natural environment was the ocean. While on the island, Sellers received his advanced scuba diving license, which allowed him to go 130 feet under the water. This led Sellers to be captivated by the aquatic pro p ct on the island seen more. "There are specific scuba diving areas where you can see clam shells that reach four to five feet in length," ellers said. According to Sellers, th island was surrounded by sunken Wold War II ships that scuba divers explored. While diving, ellers saw a 700-foot German boat called Prinz Eugen. "It was so c ol to be able to dive and know that you were seeing something that was a big part of history," Sellers said. ophomore TK Geter, a friend of Sellers, commented on eller's personality. sa0ng his adventurous spirit endured when Sellers returned back to Harding in the fall. "Josh is the kin_d of guy who pulls people together for and adventure, never leaving anyone out," Geter said. "His personality is just awesome as the things he gets involved in." I Sophomore Josh Sellers relaxes on a boat and admires the beauty of the island of Kwajalein in summer 2017. Sellers lived part of his summer on an island protected by the U.S. government where few visitors were allowed; after gaining clearance, Sellers was able to spend time with his family and enjoy the amazing island of Kwajalein. // Photo courtesy of Josh Sellers (/) 0 -0 I 0 ~ 0 :::0 m '"Tl m )> -j C :::0 m