2017-2018 Yearbook

STUDENT CREATES NEWS PACKAGES FOR HU16 FROM ENGLAND WORDS Emi!J Wheeless// PHOTOS Aaron Alexander In fall 2017, junior journalism major Aaron Alexander did not allow di tance to come between him and his work. He assembled news package for H 16, Harding's student-run n ws talion, while traveling overseas at the Harding niversity in England (H E) tudy abroad program. Dr. Jim Miller, chair f the department of communication, accompanied lexander and the other students on the H E trip. ccording to Miller, Alexander worked hard to achieve his ta k. " aron is a great addition to ur group at H E," Miller aid. "I am pr ud of him t r taking initiative t pursue these stories for H 16' ]jve at Five newsca t.' While in Iceland, Alexand r th ught of an idea t r a tory after seeing how the locals interacted with him and the others on the trip happily, including their t ur guide,J6hannes Logas n. When he tarted collecting all the data, the tory fell into place and he shared the idea with the H 16 team. "The story just came together," Alexander aid. "I interviewed our tour guide, Johannes, who was [amazing]. I thought I could mak a really cool tory on this plus it would look awesome because Iceland is very photogenic." After completing the Iceland story, H 16 contacted Alexander to do a story over the London terrori t attacks that took place on Sept. 15, 2017. a journalism student, I like to tell stories so when that opportunity present itself I jump on it, whether that's in earcy, London or Iceland," Alexander said. Dr. Ginger Black tone, news director at H 16, commented on Alexander's enthusiasm for hi field. " arnn i pas ionate about reporting," Blackstone said. "He i always pitching stories and putting them t gether. His love is sports, but he'll work on news srories, too. ]e's great to have him involved with our program." Through hi time at H ~, Alexander n t nly experienced every a p ct of the trip but was also able t bring back informati n to those in earcy. By incorporating all of his pa ions Alexander felt confident in his career path. "Documenting my trips in a news format was pretty cool" Alexander said. "I really felt Like this i what I could be doing t r a job once I graduate, and it affirmed my choice [in my major]." I Junior Aaron Alexander Is a broadcast Journalism major and prepares packages for HU16 While he was abroad at Harding University in England, Alexander covered several important news pieces in England In fall 2017 and sent them to HU16 for the live newscast. // Photo courtesy of Aaron Alexander , Alexander interviews Lauren Knight, Harding University In England director, dunng his time abroad in England. Alexander prepared several packages for HU16 including a story on the terror attacks In London on Sep .15, 201 7 // Photo courtesy of Aaron Alexander