2016-2017 Yearbook

MOSTLY MUSIC _i\ l_j l_j A IJ \! F _l N rr LT 1 £ B_r Erin HanJon for six \\·eeks in summer 2016, Lhe l\Iost.ly Music Tour group took classes, traveled across Europe, and lisLenecl LO and learned \'arious L1rpes of music. Dr. CliffGanus, clcpanmem chair and professor of music, led the group of 10 sLudents around Italy, Austria, Germany and England. · The group sLayecl at the Harding CninTsity in Florence !HCF) \'ilia for three weeks, Laking d as. cs like music historv. hymnology. humanities and ~pcech. ~ lost students wok th.c allotted nine hours of credit, but a total of' 15 hours were offrrcd. "When we left. Florence for Rome, we \\'ere [finishcdJ 11 ith classes,'' Ganus said. "\\'hile l rm·eling, we got to follow up, rn·iew, compile and process the little bit of what\ ·e alrcadv talked about. 1 thought it worked out pretty well. It wa~ hard, but interesting." Ganus spoke about his personal experience while traYcling \1~th a group of students. H e said it wa~ a \·aluablc time, but \'Cry clilTercnt from traYcling alone. "It was a certainly a memorable experience, if not a oncein-a-lilctime experience," Ganus said. Senior Payden Taylor, a music education major, said hm·ing classes every day in Florence, Italy, was a lot of \\·ork. but he appreciated all of the free time while traYeling. \\'hilc staying at the \·ilia. the i\lostly l\ lusic Tour group spent time with the 1 7 HUF students liYing there for the summer. "\Ve were like an asterisk on the encl of the HLF group for the first three \1·eeks." Taylor said. ''There \\'as a lot open to us, and we ll'erc free Lo tack onto that as \ IT liked. Tht> whole trip 1,·as a ll'hirkind. It \ \'aS incredible." Sophomore Addison Yates, a biochemistry and molecular biology major~was the 011ly non-music major ~tudent on the trip. Yates found out about the trip through Chorus with Ganus. "lt was reaUy cool to be studying great ar1ists, musicians and writers during the Renaissance, and then immediately go out to the places where they li\·ed and worked, and cc what they created," Yates said. Canu said the next trip was set for summer 20 l9. ··I tell the kids in music hi tot");'\ \'oulcl you rather be studying here in Reynolds 114, or in Florence?"' Ganus said. {()\I \ll \ I( \TIO\ \\I l \I l '.-,I( -( 81