2016-2017 Yearbook

MCLARTY MEETS HUA By Sara Denney President Bruce McLarty and his wife Ann enjoyed a full week m Tew Zealand, visiting the Harding University Australasia (HUA) trip in September. "It's fun being with students when they are living abroad," Mel.arty aid. "We got to be there so early in their experience that [we] st.ill [got to) see [their] fascination of doing new things or going [to] new places." Dr. Mike James, dean of the Honors College and a chosen faculty member for the HUA 2016 trip, said the 36 students were gracious hosts for McLarty. James said McLarty's presence on the trip did not change the group dynamic at all. He said the students wanted the McLartys to have a relaxing, enjoyable tri.p and were pleased to be with them for 24 hours at a time in many situations. The main purpose of the trip was for McLarty to continue experiencing all of Harding's international programs. However, an added motivation was seeing his niece, junior RebeccaJohnson, who was attending HUA at the time. "Knowing that she was going [to HUA] made this the obvious seme ter for us," McLarry said. "\Ve enjoyed getting to spend time with Rebecca.'· Johnson said she was equally excited to have the McLartys join the trip. "I loved getting the chance to spend time with my aunt and uncle, bke I do when I am in Searcy," Johnson said. "It was even more special knowing that we were in New Zealand." Both James and Johnson said they enjoyed seeing the other students' perspectives of :McLarty change because of the more relaxed setting. "I enjoyed .eeing the relaxed, non-Presidential Dr. McLarty through my students' eyes," James said. "Though Bruce and I have been close friends for many years, most of the students only saw [McLarty as] the suited chapel presider." Johnson said she and the other students enjoyed having a piece of Harding with them on the trip. "I really loved that the other student got the chance to know Dr. l'vicLarly better, because I know how kind and funny he is," Johnson said. "I would love for all of campus to be able to see that as well." McLarty said he was pleased to he,ar how much the people in New Zealand loved Harding students. "Another thing that I love about going to visit the international programs is bumping into people, like bus drivers or people ':(ho run the hotel that they stay in, who wm say to me, 'I need to tell you about your students,'" McLarty said. McLarty said those people always praised how re~pcctful and cooperative the Harding students were. "People learn to love our students all over tl;le ,-vorltl," MGLarty said. "That really is one of the happiest things for me. These [students) have already made an impression on [othcrsl by simply being who they are - happy, positive [and] respectful people.''