2016-2017 Yearbook

·s8 ),, I\TIH\.\TIO\.\I. FREED HARDEMAN FRIENDS B_r Brook(r11 Bi/Iner In fall 2016, the H arding -Cniversitv in Greece 1H uG) program experienced adventures like no group before them e\'er had. The Freed-Hardeman Uniw rsity in Belgium study abroad program joined six H arding students at HCG. According toJ eflcry Hopper, dean oflnternational Programs, Freed-Hardeman University's (FHU) board of trustees decided tbey would not permit their normal program in Belgium due to safety concerns. \\'hen FHU's International Programs DircctorJennyJ ohnson contacted Hopper about joining the trip to HUG, he gladly accepted their request. "l think it is always good to hang out with our brothers and sisters,'' H opper said. '·\\'e ha,·e a long, joyful history together, and it·s a new part of the world for Freed-Harcleman to explore." T he H UG students arrived on Aug. 31. and the FHU students joined them a fevv days later. Sophomore Alexj ackson said it was special to be a part of the joined group. ··It is also incredibly encouraging ro sec how God is working, not only in other countries, but also in other schools across the U.S.,"J ackson said. According to Audra Pleasant, International Programs office manager, H arding regularly rented out rooms to the public at the Artemis, the HUG residence. "\\'e 10\T to rent out rooms to \'isiting parents or alumni.'' Pkasam said. :\'ot only did the Artemis haw room for relati,·es or Harding graduates, but because ofha,·ing enough room to house 60 people, it abo became home to the FHU group as well. FHC joined Hl:G for chapel, church, several local outings and their trip to Korthem Greece. Howe,·er, the academics were kept separate, according to Hopper. ·'\ \'e have shared the \'ilia Lthe Harding University in Florence residence] with FHU for many years," Hopper said. "They are a great school to partner with." Junior Rachel Greer said she was \'ery excited to study abroad [in Greece] and enjoyed having a smaller group. because thev were able to grm1 closer to each other. "There will be lots orperks to it," Greer said. "For example we hm·e clri,·en to se1·eral places that, with a larger group, wouldn't have been possible. \\·c get to do several trips, ·including Corfu Island, Peloponnese, Israel and Egypt." This was the first HUG group to travel to Egypt in se,·eral semesters and one of the most anticipated experiences, according to J ac kson. "It feels like these H U Gers ha\'e been a part of my life for eve r," J ackson said. "I can't wait to sec what all Goel has in store for us and how he will use these relationships to strengthen our love for him."