2016-2017 Yearbook

T~h > LlllTOll'"> \OTF. FROM THE EDITOR \ \·hen l decided to come to Harding during my senior year of higli school, I coulctn't put my finger on a specific rh me or reason as to wh) l chose this uni\·ersiLy. I spent that entire summer and the first part or my fre~hman year ,Lill not knowing; \1·hy, buL I knew I mad Lhe right choice. I remember wiLh great proloundncss, ho\1·e\·er. Lhe day Lhm question was an:wercd. lt \1·as during freshman year on OcL. 16, 20 I :1 . The Student Association \ l'aS h sting "Post 1t and Pray.'' It was a Friday night, and l was about to lie dm, n and ,rntch :'\ctnix when I recalled a chapel announcemenL about the c,-ent in Shore Chapel. :-\lone o n Lhat Friday night, I set acro~s an unusually quiet campus. As I walked acros~Lhe l1·ont lawn in Lhr crisp, fa 11 air; I apprcciatrcl Harcling;ju La little bit more. As I sat on the S\1·ing and listrncd to the leaYcs rusLlc in the trees, 1 appreciated HarclingjusL a little bit more. And as I prayed for the thousands of burdens and struggles of our family - as I basked in Lhe Lhought that we're not in life alone I appreciated Harding more Lhan [ eYer h:1\T. I walked bac.k to Armstrong Hall feeling owrwhclmcd - not in a negati,·e sense. but with a sense that I kuew why I came to Harding. On a Friday nig ht in Shores Chapel, I had di'CO\Trecl the answer to that question. I had round myself. People say Lhal your undergraduate years are the best years of your life. I certainly hope that life keeps gelling better from here. bur I under~Land \1·here they're corning from. In this place \\'hne people from across the \,·oriel di\·crgc, where lire expects u · to make our own deci5iuns, and where ne\1· friends mcall life-long connections, wc\·e found ourseh·c<;. T think that's the glory and awe associated with college. \\·c found oursel\'CS in social clubs, sLUdent organizations, aLhletics and academics. \ \'c found oursc!Ycs in ,\Lhcns. Greece, or Florence. ltak \\'e found Lhat our beliefs aren·t our parents'. \\·e found thaLpeople aren'L alwavs good and thar disappoirnmcm i crushing. For some of us, we're 5till finding ourseh·es in this crazy stage or life. Regardless, vvc·vc learned to lo\'c and cherish this place and iLs people. despite the accompanying imperfections. In thi.- 9'.1rd edition of the Petitjean, we hope to han· captured that awe of whaLit means to be a college stuclcm at Harding Cni,·crsity. \\'e hope to haw' capLured what so many can't describe - a sense Lhat you're not alone anymore, that life is just a liule biL easier because of Lhe people in your corner, and thaLthi. is where youJound yo u rself. Kaleb Turner, Editor-In-Chief