COLOPHON "Found" is Volume 93 of the Petitjean yearbook at Harding University. It was printed by Walsworth Publishing in l\larceline, l\itissouri. All pages were designed on Apple computers using Adobe Creative Cloud. Cover: The cover was produced on Bookcloth Natural Linen with a gold hot foil on the front and black silk screen and gold hot foil on the pine. Cover photo by l\lacy Pate. End sheets: The endsheets were deluxe pearl stock. Theme: The theme, "Found," was developed by Kaleb Turner, editor-in-chief Color: All 342 pages were printed on four-color process on Legend Matte 100#. Typography: Headline were set in Corydon or Dual 300. tories and captions were set in Baskenille. Black Diamond was used on the CO\'er and di,ision pages. Photography: Photographs were taken by sLUdent staff photographers Kazu Fujisawa, :\lacy Pate andjulia Reinboldt. Other photographs were contributed to the Petitjean or taken byJeff Montgomery, university photographer. Design: Layouts and all graphics were designed by Carlie Tacket~layout editor, \\i th assistance from Tania Salgado. a sistant layout eclitor, and Kaleb Turner, eclitor-in-chicf. APPRECIATION: The Petitj ean does not happen without a few key people who work behind the scenes to make the production of a 342-page publication appear seamless. Toj ohnny Cole, our \ Val worth representative - thank you for your passion and for you dedication to the Petitjean staff. \ Vithout a doubt, your prayers kept us afloat. Your encouragement made it ea ier to push through difficult deadlines, and your guidance brought us to where we are today. ToJill Fowler, our in-plant consultant (life saver)- thank you for being patient when mistakes were made. Thank you for every answered email and phone call. When mistakes were made, you were there with the answer. Your expertise and excellence brought a comfort and peace-of-mind to the entire staff. To Blaze Hayes , our \Valsworth representative - your smile and cheer mad this entire endeavor easier. Your encouragement was limitless and your love for life is evident in all that you do. Thank you for reminding us why we do what we do and for reminding us to always appreciate the people who put in the hard work to make things, like this book, a reality. Tojeff~ontgomery, university photographer - thank you for your continued commitment to documenting campus life through your extraordinary photography. Thank you for extending your work to our staff and this book. Your role on campus is vital to the Petitjean and the university. To Rachel Molina, Student Publication secretary - thank you for being a smiling GENERAL INFORMATION: Writers: Brooklyn Billncr Fanny Bonilla Sara Denney l\1icaleigh English Lexi Ferguson Erin Hanson Z'Ann Hardin Lauren Hargett Contributors: Christopher Allison Philip Berry Brackett Library Lisa Bryant :\Ianin Crowson Tara Dick on Betty £\·ans Ethan Flowers Libby Hale Hallie Hite Alex J ackso n Samuel J effrey ;\oraj ohnson Megan Ledbetter Maclie McGuire Parker Morrow Abigail Pratt Erin Raimondi Dustin Schandevel Brittany Simers Raneisha Stassin Bruce \IcLarty Sterling McMichael J eff:\1ontgomery Cecilia Nutt Jenni Parker Ashe! Parsons Emory Rockwell Sarah Roe SA.\1t1::--J a ti o n al Grant Schol Paden Shelburne Daniel Stockstill Evan S,\·earingen Jantzen Teague Kaleb Turner Alex \ Vingrmee Trent Yurcho Payden Taylor Linda Thompson Elizabeth T1ipp Dan Tullos Alex \'aide Marsha Vaughn Abbey \ \'at on Anessa Westbrook Edmond Wil on Rachel Wiseman Hunter Yeats face each time we walked into the office. Thank you for replacing the ink in the printer, refilli ng the snack cart with fruit nacks and being willing to lend a helping hand, no matter the task. It's people like you who go unnoticed, but de erYe all the thanks. To ;\ate R amirez - thank you for being one of our biggest encouragers and supporter · from day one. You're always willing to do whatever we need, whether that be lifting hea,·y objects when we complain or driving our van on the spring trip. Thank you for your dedication to making sure Student Publications remains the best it can be. To Katie Ramirez, director ofStudent Publications and Petitjean ad,·isor - thank you for every encouragement, reality check and slice of pizza. To express our gratitude to you would simply be impossible. Thank you for being willing to take a chance on us, our big ideas and bold endeavors. It's people like you who we'll remember when we lea,·c here. Lt's people like you who we'll wish we still saw everyday, but know you're always in our corner. Thank you for boundless knowledge and endearing friendship. To Presidrnt Bruce l\IcLa rty - thank you for believing in the yearbook. Thank you for understanding why the Petitjean is a necessary part ofHarding' history. Your passion for history and stories resonated in the work we did as a staff. Finally, to the students, faculty and staff- - thank you for being the reason that \\·e have a yearbook. Thank you for extending your time and grace to us in our intcn ·iew. a nd photo shoots. Thank you for being patient and for reminding us why we produce a yearbook each year.Thank you for reminding us what it means to ha,·e found yourselfat H arding. The Petitjean staff works in the Student Publications office, located on the first Aoor of the Donald W. Reynolds Center for f usic and Communication. Any correspondence can be ent to the Petitjean, Harding University, Box I 0812, Searcy, Arkansas, 72149. Students enrolled in 12 credit l1ours or more both semesters have paid sufficient general fees to cover the :30 cost of the yearbook. Depending on their enrollment status for the year, other: arc charged full or half price. Th Petitjean is a member of the Arkansas College Meclia Association, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and the A sociatcd Collegiate Press Hall of Fame. ·ni1 ), (()I.Oi>IIO\