2016-2017 Yearbook

DR EVAN ULREY Dr. E\'an Clrc), the first chairman of the Dcpanmcnt of Communication, p,med ,l\l'ay on .\larch l '.1, 2017. Glrey was the department chairman for 3 7 years, and then taug-ht rull-timc at Harding for five more year<; before retiring in 1992. l.:lrey m1~ blc,~cd ,,·ith a wife. Betty U rey. and three beautiful children. In a piece written in The Bison 11cwspapc1~ Betty was quoted saying, ··While o casionally we ma: hm·e kit that ,,·e sacrifice d by staying at Harding, in the long run we decided that the 1110. l irnprmant tliing was to try to inOucnce ochers for Christ and the best place for u~ to do this mJuld be at Harding.'· By Alex Wingrove \IF.\10111 \I. ,( ·n5