·rs; ),, \IF.\IOI U.\I. MEMORI AL DR. BETTY WATSON Dr. Betty \ \"atson, former professor of educati n, passed away on February 19, 20 I 7. \ \'atson tau~ht in the College of Education for + 7 years, where she \\'as the director of the early childhood education program for o,·er 15 years. Jn a piece written by \ \'atson regarding her accomplished life and bclo\'ed family, she wrote. ··.\Iy life was full of bles ing too numerous to memion especially my family. my chur h family, my home Bible study group, my career at Harding and the opportunity to \"isit many countries. As my life on earth nds and yours cominuc~, I pray that you all ,vill enjoy li,·ing for Christ as I did.'' BJ' Kaleb Turner