make a better quality sho\,·. "It's really a working news lab. and I am trying to mimic,, s much as f can, the rea I world e ·periencc of a new, operation.'' Blackstone said. Senior Kaylie Ross ~aid he rrogram recei\·ed an important piece ofnrwsroorn 5oftware called ''Inception," which wa. a tool med for creating coment for the broadcast. The llC\1· technology helped tremc:ndomly with the efficiency of H 16, according to Ross. "Inception is really cool because we can ace ss it any\,·herc 011 Harding's campus as long as \VC are on campu, \Ni-Fi. which is fimportantj because we weren't able to do that before," Ross said. According to Ross. the clrnnges brought four to five n w people to the nc\l"S team and trc,sed community participation as a key new,roon1 component. HCl6 broadcastt'cl city council meetings and conred local high school football games. hoping to further their in ·olvemcnt in the community in the future. "I'm hoping that we can help the community tune in and watch their go\·crnmem at work,'' Blackstone said. ''Onrall, we want to encourage more participation at the local le ·cl." By Erin Raimondi