SAM TAKES THE CASE BJ Z'Ann Hardin The Society of Advanced :t-.lanagement (SAM) placed third in the national SA.\J.I Case Competition in April 2016. The process began with every SAM university chapter in the nation recei\·ing their "case" - a company needing assistance with a problem. Every uni\·ersity chapter received the same case. In spring 2016, they consulted with Target. Each chapter looked over rhe a signed case and analyzed all the problems the company was facing from a managerial standpoint. Next, they produced a list of alternatives on how to resolve those particular problems. Though the company rarely u ed the ideas and case studies submiued for competition, those competing still saw it as a u eful experience. Senior finance major Corey Bassett competed as one of Harding's five representatives. "It was very beneficial because [we learned] skills that you don't get to learn [while] sitting in a clas room," Ba sett said. "It gave us the opponunity to apply the knowledge that we have gained in class to a real-,,·orld situation, as well as being introduced to the retail industry, all while trying to make an impact on Target." SAl\I ·worked on the mock cases during fall 2015, attempting to prepare for the actual case to be received inJanuary 2016. Assistant professor and SAM's newly appointed advisor Dr. David Kee said he was involved with preparing and Leaching the students. However, once the cases were handed out, he was not allowed to speak to them about the cases at all. "Until they get their case study, I'm trving to [prepare] them," Kee said. "But I can't e\·en comment on hm,v well they're doing. I'm supposed to be completely hands-off." Kee's main job after the chapter received the case study was to choose the five students to represent Harding at the competition. Kee aid he based his decision on how well they knew the ca e and how well they could present it. The five chosen studentsjoined the rest of the university chapter for the competition in Orlando, Florida, in April 2016. Dr. Allen Frazier, dean of the College of Business Administration and member of the SAl\I board of directors, chose the 201 7 ca e. However, that did not mean that Harding had a leg up on the competition. Frazier believed the competition was much more than solving an issue, but thought it was also competitive and would give students exposure and recognition. Alongside Harding's third place finish in 2016, they placed third in 2005, 2003 and 2000. They placed first in 2009. A member ofthe 2015 team, alumnus Stephen H edlund reflected on his time with the team and the chapter. "I wish I had taken more opportunity in my initial years [at Harding] to spend time with my professors outside of the classroom,' Hedlund said. "The project created opportunities for me to connect with a few ofmy professors in ways that I hadn't done before." Alumnae Phoebe Cunningham and Cinthia Andrade, President of the Society for Advanced Management 1\/oustafa H. Abdelsamad, alumnus Stephen Hedlund and seniors and Fan II)' Bonilla pose with their third place award at !he April 2016 national conference. The students were assigned lo the company Target and worked )'ear-long on problems and solutions to present to a company representative at the national conference in Washington D. C. They traveled to Washington D. C. lo Jmsenl lo judges at the conference. I Photo courtesy of S.rJ.A!National