2016-2017 Yearbook

GRAPHIC ARTS AND GATE\VAY In fall 2016, the student of American Institute of Graphic \rts :-\.IGA on Harding's campus planned a trip and explored \·ariou. graphic design careers in the profcs.ional world. Senior Cecilia 1 ·utt, president ol"AIGA, and senior Paige J\lartin, :\IG ..\ C\Tnt coordinat0r, planned the trip with the help of the eight other graphic design senior in .--\IG:-\. ..The thought of a trip came to us during one of our meetings.'· :\'utt said. "\\'c arc learning a lot, but we arc all \'cry ncn·ous about \\'hat the l"uturc hold., so we wanted to explore what the work field \\·ill h<' like.'' .\ crording Lo :.'\utt, the national institute of \IGA helped them find people to connect \\·ith in St. Louis, J\lis ·ouri. ·'\\'c arc a part of the :\Icmphis chapter, because it is the closest to Harding,"' :\'utl said. "Since there are so many ofus on campus that arc mcrnbns, we started a club to keep us inrnh'cd in AIGA acti\·ities." On Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016, the students left for their two-day trip to St. Louis. "Our main goal was exposure." Kutt said. "\\'ith that exposure came peace for me. I am more confident knowing there i so much I can do after I graduate.'· ,\ccording to Nutt, their first stop wa at Success Promotions, a j\RCHES company that helped brand ?\Iajor League Ba. ball. ·'I actually got to speak with a guy who help: make the bobble heads,"' ~utt said. ·'Jt seems silly, hut someone has to, and he is using design to do it, which I just found o fascinating.'· According to :\lanin, the group had the opportunity to \·isit fi\'C companic. and to explore TKE;\. ·'I \\ as really surprised hm~ many places we were able to \'i. it.'" J\Iartin said. '·[ emailed a fC\\" firms, and we were shocked at how many wanted m to come visit." Senior Kellie Keese also attended the trip and said it helped soothe some or her fears about gcui ng a job after graduation . "They were all clown to earth and open about any problems they faced .'" Keese said. ''I really just enjoyed getting to spend time\ ith other designers outside of a school setting, talking and realizing that e\'en they are still learning." According to Nutt, the group gained a greater love for graphic design and was cager to get back to share that love at Harding. ·'I was honestly shocked how well it all came together," Martin said. ''I think the trip opened our eyes to appr ciaLe design cnn more, and I hope the student-] cl trip can become a tradition for our AIGA chapter." By Brooklyn Billner .I .11,ro11/1 ,!f .1t1ule11/J in .UC.I li.,lcn to a re/Jre;en/afiz,e oJ .ltomir Dusi. a branding r/e;zgn .i tud io in St. l. oui.1. .\ l is.1011ri, di1001 !lu kind r!( 1,•ork the)' do for com/Janie; and bu\/1111 .11.1 in Si. Loui, during their 1•i:iil Oct. JI .. 11(:.1 as;iJ led th e c11 111111 1111i(i• wi th their grap hi c de.1ig11 Jkill.1. had their portfulio.1 rez·ie1t'f(/ and hoited gueJ/ 1J;eak1n 011 r11111/1111. I Photo cour/eJ)' of Cecilia. \ ·1111