2016-2017 Yearbook

B ROTH E R LY LOVE By .('Ann Hardin It vvas not an uncommon thing for siblings to play the same sport. However. for two siblings to play the same sport, al the same school, at the collegiate level, was something special and rare. Senior guard \Vil! Francis had the opportunity to spend his last basketball season with his brother, freshman guard Alex Francis, though this was not their first chance to play together. The brothers attended Harding Academy in Searcy, Arkansas and had the opportunity to play baseball and basketball together. In fact, they were both quarterbacks for the Harding Academy high school football team, and were both named J\{VP of separate state championship teams. Many younger siblings shied away from going to college where the older one went, but A.lex was proud and said it helped his decision. '·It did make [the decision] more attractive," Alex said. "vVhenever you get an opportunity to play with a player like \ Vill, I think you have to take full advantage of it. There are not a lot of players out there like [him]." Both Alex and head eoachjeffJ\1organ agreed that there was a special leadership quality to \Vill that energized and inspired the team. Alex dealt with a wrist injury for the bulk of the sea on that prevented him from playing, but he worked hard to stay healthy and remained an incredible teammate and encourager. Reflecting on his time as a Bison, \ Vill said that he looked forward to the growth that Alex would experience. 'Tm excited to watch him grow and mature - on and off the floor," \,Vill said. ''It's amazing how much you grow and change during your four years [of college]. I hope he will continue to be a leader and a great teammate, no matter what his role \1ill be in the future." Will added that he looked forward to returning and watching Alex play throughout his career as a Bison. If there \\as one thing that was agreed upon between Morgan and the Francis brothers, it was that playing with or coaching brothers was something special that not e\'erybody got the opportunity to experience. They dro\'e one another - both competitively and as leaders - which showed in practice, games and e\·ery interaction they had. "I think the thing you notice is the appreciation that they have LO be able to go through this togethc1;" Morgan said. ·'That's prettv special." Despite Alex's injury, the brothers found an opportunity to be a part of something orchestrated to better their roles as athletes, as leaders and as brothers. Senior guard Will Fra ncis shoots afree throw against Ch ristian Brothers University on No v. 22, at the Rhodes-Reaves Fie ld H ouse. Francis was able to play alongside his brother, freshman Alex Francis, during his last season as a Bison. I Photo courtesy of Jeff M ontgome ry Freshman guard Alex Francis celebrates afier his brother. senior guard ll'ill Frnnris, makes a 3-poinl slzol against Southern Arkansas Unil·e,'ji(y 011 Jan. 19, in !he Rhodes-Rraves Field House. Ale.\ Francis had wrist surgery ear(v in !he sea;on, wlzirlz prevented him f rom playing, bfll lze still loved being with the team and his bro/her. I Photo courtesy of Jeff .\lo nlgome1J'