The Lady Bisons basketball team wa nOLhing short of successful through the recent years. Ho\\-c,·cr, something much more important to them than their success was their bond as a team. \\'hilc students relaxed m·cr Thank giving, Christmas and Sp1ing Break. the women's (ancl men's) basketball teams remained on campus because they,, ere in season. On top of that, they always found time to be with one another, which included li\'ing together and having a Lady Bison Bible ~tud) e\'l:ry \ \'ednesday night. \\'omen's basketball head coach Tim Senior Correy ~ loycr said the team rallied around Hogue to support her throughout the immediate time. They aucndcd the funeral and tried to treat Hogue in the most normal ,,·ay possibk, despite knml'ing the pain she was in. :\foyer bclie,-cd that was the epitome of a "team.·· '·I believe a team is a group of people who arc working t0gether for a common purpose or goal,'' 1Ioycr said. '"They stand by one another through every life event. It's lm·ing everyone in a dysfunctional family, not expecting to get along with one another, Kirby was extremely proud and impressed ,,·ith clw team and said that much of their ~uccess l amc fi·om their relation hips and the" a) s they interacted with one another. "You need to \\'in, but there is a lot that goe~ with that," Kirby said. "Thcrc·s no doubt that our r lationships as coaches, player\, ~tudcnt assistants aud everybody [f'l el involved contribute lo our uccess. I1 ·s uot a ftx-all, bul it make it a lot more lun lo trm·cl with pl,iycrs and coaches [who J likf' each otl er.'' "[I am zn a} genuine and positive environment that reaches out and comforts those who need support and encouragement in this time and in everyday life. )) but ultimately seeing the \'aluc, worth, love and understanding, and knowing that God saw them as an importa11t individual for this group." Hogue saw the outpouring of lo,·e and support from women that she spent so much tirnc with, but she also saw Harding rallying around her. She said she was thankful for the e\'eryday encouragement that was provided. "[I am in a] genuine and positive en\'ironment that reaches out and comforts those who need support and encouragement in this time and in everyday life," Hogue said. - freshman Caroline Hague Ho\l'en:r, no matter how many joyous moments farnilic · experienced, there were also times of heartbreak. On Jan. l, 2017, freshman Caroline Hogue's sister, Kennedy"\ Veezy" Hogue, died in her Jeep. After hearing the news, the Lady Bisons went to the Hague's home in Lit lie Rock, Arkansas. They look her out to lunch and. tayed with her all day, trying- to help comfort her through the tragedy. "This means everything to me right now, and it's because of the little things. I am o thankful for people who go out of their way to make me feel so supported as I go through this time in my life." One unique aspect about the "family matter" was that more women knew "\Vcczy." It was not just teamma,tes supporting their own, though it affected Hogue the most, it was also women reaching out to love and support one another. Seniorfi1rz,•al// C:orre_J' .\lo_J•er goe1 up for a 3-jJoinl shot agai,/j/ Southern l"lrkansas C11i1•ersil)• 011 Jan. I 9, al the Rhodej-Reaz•ej Field f-fou.1e. The La(~JI Bijon.i erased an 3-poinl. jtl'll·quarler dc/iril lC'ilh a 26-poinl jerond quarter 1chere thq gained the lead and did not give it ujJ. I Photo tour/ej_r o.f Jejj ,\fontgomerJ' The Lad_)• Bijon.,' be11(h celebrates during the co111eback again.ii Soullzeas/ern Oklahoma Stale Univeni(J' 011 Jan. 7, al the Rhode.1-Reaves Field House. The previous record comeback dejicil 1c·as 16 points. I Photo cour/e.JJ' of Jeff Jlo11tgome1~)' \\'O\ IF.\ '\ B_\ ', l" J'll. \1.1....: J.111