2016-2017 Yearbook

.\fen's soccer coach Jon Ireland Looks on as his team faces Jl'illiam Jeweli College at home 011 Sept. 2 7. Ireland joined the mm's soccer Jnogram as head coach in spring 2016 and Led them to lheirjirst GAG Tournament championship. I Photo by /\lacy Pate Freshman forward Jason Dia;;: takes the ball down the field against I Vi/Liam Jewell College (fl]C), 011 Sept. 27. The 2-0 u·in over IIJC gave the Bi:,ons !heir eighth win. offtcial(r breaking the prei•ious record, sei•e,i, for most win:, in a sea:,011. I Photo b_>· .\Jaf)' Pate XSh ),, .\ Tl 11 .F.T IC'i