2016-2017 Yearbook

T H E RHODES T O DEDICATION By Tif.fany Metts Dcdjcation ceremonies for the renovations of Lhe Ganus Activities Complex (GAC), \Valier Recreation Center and the Rhodcs-Rea\'es F'icldhousc were held on Oct. 29--Homecoming weekend. The dedjcations were emceed by Vice President for Ad\'ancement Bryan Burks. The new adrnLions to tJ1e GAC included a new second-floor level to the gym, a t,,rn-sLOry exercise space with new carruo and weighL equipment. refurbished racquetball courts, a suspended track, a cycling room, a billiards room, new floors, basketball goals and more. The Rhodes-Rca\·cs Fieldhouse rcnorntion included an additional 2,000 square feet ar the entrance, a new practice facility, new basketball dressing rooms, expanded weight rooms and volleyball locker rooms, among otJ1er impro\·cments. 't\11 of the clccljcaLions st:r\·c to first glorify God, men to recognize the donors for their support, and [Lhcy also seiYe 1 as a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open thr facilities,'' Burks said. The clay started with President Dr. Bruce I\lcLarty welcoming the donors and guests to tJ1e e\-ent. The main donors for each project, the Rea\'es and\\'aller families, were born Harrnng aJumni. Roy Rea\'es and Suzanne \Valier both served on the Board of Trustees, and Roy Reaves was elected chairman in 2014. Roy Reaves said that clay meant a great clcaJ to him and that he was humbled by the exp Tience. "I\1y first feeling was one of excitement," Reaves said. ··I never imagined that I would receive such a high honoc Then I felt very humbled as I thought about the men and women whose names are on the other buildings on campus." Each person who donated was someone who went to Harding or was in\'olvcd with Harding in some way, and tJ1cir invok ement was highly appreciated, according to Burks. ·'It is our way of thanking and recognizing them,·' Burks said. 'They love Harding so much, so this is just a way to recognize them. \Ve want to ay thank you and recognize your name so that others beyond you will remember your name and thank you. They bclie\·e in tJ1e mission of H arding and they gi,-c Lo us.'' Sophomore Zoe H ardjn was one of the many athletes who were directJy impacLcd by the renovations made on campus. Hardin played as a middJe blocker in the Lady Bison·s volleyball team, and explained that tJ1c higgest change was the addition of the practice court and the automatic \'OilcyhaJl net, whjch came dovvn from the ceiling. "I am \'cry thankful for the rcno\'ations of the Rhodes, as well as my teammates," Hardin said. "Before adding a practice gym, it was difficult for three teams to schedule daily practices times in one, so this has been super helpful in that ,,vay." According to Roy Reaves, dedication day was an exciting clay that brought in a lot of guest , Reaves said. ·The day of dedication was like a fantasy," Roy Reaves said. "There were pictures taken, many nice compliments and comments from family and friends who were so supportive and encouraging. That made us feel like celebrities.·' Presidwt Dr. Bruce M clarty talks to the crowd gathered f or the Rhodes-Reaves Field House dedication ceremony on Oct. 29. Three generations of Harding presidents spoke, includi11g Chancellor Emeritus Dr. Clifton L. Ganus Jr. and Chancellor Dr. Dauid Burks. I Photo courtesy of Jeff Afonlgomery Senior kaJ·len .Hartin, represen/111g wo111en·s social club Sigma Phi ,\Ju as Harding's 2016 Homeco111i11g queen. pujes i,·ith herfather, Scot/ ,\Jar/in. 2ul .5 Homecoming queen and graduate Jtudent :-l(yssa J.-ee, President Dr. Bruce Jfcl ar{r and atlendants Hannah Hou·el!, Emm)' Howell and.Jack Han•ell al First Securi(J' Stadium 011 Oct. 29, before the Homecomingjootball game. The Bisons won againrt So uthwestern Oklrlhoma Stale C 11i1·ersi£J', ./2 -2 7. I Photo tY 1,-a::.u Fujisawa 110\WCO\II\(; <ill( J.I