2016-2017 Yearbook

A HOME FOR WORSHIP The Rock House Ministries, organized by the College Chur h o[Christ, hosted multiple Bible tudies over the years and was an excellent resource to find other home Bible studies all over Searcy. M any H ard ing professors a nd taff either ho ted or were part of various home Bible studie and saw tremendous benefits for themselves and for students. Junior Keely Baldridge participated in a Rock House Ministries devotional sinee her freshman year. "Rock Hou e [Ministries] has been an incredible blessing in and LO my life," Baldridge said. "I stumbled in as a confused fre hman, still trying to find my place at Harding, and I was met with welcoming smiles and warm hearts." As istant professor of historyJ ared D ockery was one tea her involved with home Bible studie for many years. "When I was a student here in the early 90s, there \,·ere a couple [ofl different home Bible studie. th at 1 attended on Wed nesday nights at differelll points," Dockery said. "I enjoyed tho e, o when I came back t Harding as a faculty member in 2008, I was already favorably disposed toward [home Bible studies]. Then I became involved with one here as a faculty member." It was the same group of people who met in two different place : at the By Abigail Pratt home of Dr. J ulie Harri , associate professor of history, and her husband Damon, and also at the home of Dr. Ken Hammes, professor of English, and his wife l\'ancy. "I'm sure that both home Bible studies and church Bible studies each ha\·e their own pluse and minuses," D ockery said. "The benefit of the home Bible studi s [is] the intimacy of the group. They get to know each other very well. There's [also] a very strong en.e of bearing each other's burdens in the home Bible study, with prayer requests and things of that nature. You laugh with one another; you cry with one another - that sort of thing. To me, it's just a very enjoyable setting to have in someone's home." Another professor who was involved with home Bible studies was a sistant professor of nursing Nona Lacy. She co-hosted a Bible Ludy in her home for three years, but attended one for nearly 30 years prior. Lacy believed that in home Bibles studies everyone opened up more and both students and teacher. formed deep relationships with one another. "We laugh and we talk," Lacy said. "I think it really opens up the door for us to get to know each other better. \Ve always talk about what's going on in people's lives and get prayers requests. It's a place where people don't have to be dress d up. We just come together and relax." For the /Jast three years, assistant professor of nursing Nona l aC)' has co-hosted a home Bible study with retired professor and founding dean of !he Carr College of .\·ursing Dr. Cathleen Schult;;:_. Lacy was an acti1·e participant in a home Bible study for 3 0 _vears before deciding to host her own Bible stud)'. I Photo by Ka;;:_u FtJisawa )O(i ),, I.L.\llF.lhlllP