2016-2017 Yearbook

Frrshmm.Jed Turpin. Al/1' Bale111a11, Erin Joung and T_)'!er S!el'enson /Jarlicipale in a soda-drinking conle.,/ led ~J' senior Ha_)'den 11 ·agner al !he 0/vm/Jic-lhemed dinnerjin lmjJac/ 011 Aug. 20. in !he Charles ll'/1ile Dining Hall. The dinner included lllOII)' 0(1•m/Jic-lhe111ed games. one of 11•/zir/z ga1·e !he 1/11denls the ofijJorluni{)' lo deck out in lhcirfm•orile coun/1)' ·, cu/ors. I Photo br 1i·a~u Fujisa1t·a l(i > ~Tl IJF.\l LI IT.