Harcung recruitcs studenls from all over the U.S. and other countries across the world, but rreshman Milou Dalmolen brought a whole new experien e to Harding's global connections. Born in China, DaJmolcn was dropped off at a police station just days afrcr she was born. After two and a half years in an orphanage, DaJmolen was adopted by a Dutch couple and spent Lhe rest or her childhood in the Netherlands. Her journey to Searcy began in August 2016, marking her first visiL to the U.S. "This is my first time in America," DaLmolcn said. "I've been to Italy, France, Austria and China, but ['ve never been overseas. So, [my] first time overseas was in Arkansas." Dalrnolcn said iL took some time to adjust Lo Lhc place where she would spend the next four years. "I had an idea, my fairytale, or playing tennis in America and studying a litLlc bit," Dalmolen said. "T wanted to go to either Florida, New York or California, with a bcautirul university, a lot of other [imcrnational students and] good surroundings." After pairing up wiL11 an agrncy, Dalmolcn looked al more than 20 colleges Freshman .\lilou Dalmolen is living out her 'Jai1Jlale dream" on Harding's tennis rourts. After her search through 20 different American colleges to stud)' abroad and /Jin)' tennis, she trai•eled to Searcy and decided to pl11;_)'Jor Harding after meeting head coach David Redding. I Photo b)' Kazu Fujisawa across the U.S. It was actually Lhe coach from another central Arkansas university that connected her with Harding, but once she met men's tennis coach David Redding, her decision was easy. ''I immediately clicked with lCoach Redding]," Dalrnolcn aid. "That was the selling point. I just relt likc r should do it." Redding said he rclL the connection, too. He said he saw potential for Dalmolen to be a great leader and asset, not only to the tennis team, but also to the university. "Everything about her [showed] self-confidence and a caring attitude," Redding said. "She's easy to get along wiLh, he's unassuming [and] she gets involved." Redding introduced DaJmolen to Harding's Senior Vice Presidentjim Carr the first week she was at Harding, and they formed an instant bond. "'vVe just hit it off, I can't rxplain it other than that," Carr said. "She's very open to learning about our culture and,our faiLh, and I'm excited to sec what happens for her in her future." Dalmolcn brought a valuable component to Harding's rich geographic heritage, along with an exciting fai ry1alc clrram Lo be rulrLllcd on Lhc Lennis court. B_y Jantzen Teague