2016-2017 Yearbook

11 1 ), STl llL\T I.I FF. RUSllIN~RUSSIA By Lexi Ferguson Through the Global Outreach summer internship program, seniors Katie-Arlene O 'Brien and Hunter Yeats spent part of June andjuly in Tomsk, Russia. They took time out of their summers to tr,l\'el across the globe to participate in an internship with a missionary couple there. Yeats said the mini,try was focused on college-aged students and was relationship-based. "\ Ve had a Frisbee night once a week and I also hosted a game or mo\'ie night once a week at the apartment I was staying at," Yeats said. '"Throughout the week, when we weren't doing those things, Katie-Arlene and I ,vould walk with students just Lo get to know them in a smaller setting. \Ve'd go out to eat with them, ha\'e them show us their culture and appreciate their culLure, beliefs and backgrounds, so that they would be more receptive to hear ours.'· GaryJi.ckson, director of Harding's Global Outreach internship program, said it was the third year for the Tomsk internship ministry. "Tomsk is definitely a good site," Jackson said. "It has a lot of activities for finterns] to be itwoh·ed in ~- e,·erything, from meeting with people [who J speak English, to getting i1wolved with the local church. It has all of those features that arc really important for an internship host site.·, O'Brien said she stayed with the host missionary couplc,Jcnny and Emil Issabeko\', and their two children. She spent a lot of time with the family and helped them with hospitality. O'Brien was able Lo learn about what it meant to ha,·e a family while being a m1,s10na ry. "I learned a lot Ji\'ing with them as a family, because they are on the rnission field," O'Brien said. \ \.'hile in Russia, the Issabekovs celebrated the Fourth ofJuly v1·ith them, allowillg Yeats and O'Brien to feel more at home. ·'[Jenny] threw a Fourth of July pan y for Katie-Arlene and I, and we im·ited some of our closest friends,'' Yeats said. "That was a nice time to come to the realization that even though I was away from my family in America, I was with my family in Tomsk. It reminded me how global God and his kingdom is.'· Tim I ie.itbrook /eache, Hungarian children in J uly in S::.olnok, Hu1,ga1)'· a.1 /Jar/ nf a Global Outreach Campaign. 11 es/brook served as a missionmJ 111 Hungar_yfrom 1995 to 2003 along with his 1cife Annrn and helped establish !hf S;,_olnok church. I Pharo rotu/eaJ' of Anessa ll'estbronk :i'eniors H unier lea ls and b.'atie -A rlen e O B rien go for a bike ride outside Tom sk, Russia, in Ju(r 2 0 I6. T lze duo learn ed Russian culture Ji-om tho se thq ministered to. I P!ioto courles_J' of 1-/untrr leats :llumna Ofi.,ia ,HcDaniel pla_)'s an icebreaker game with members of the S::.olnok churr!t in }une in S,:olnok, 1-/ungm)'· .\lcDaniel 1cas one of nine studen/.1 u,lza parlicipa!ed in thefirst Global Outreach Cam/Jaign to 1-/unga,y. J Photo courleS)' of Anessa T,t·estbrook