2016-2017 Yearbook

COLORADO Many st udents spent their summer working at regular jobs or internships. However, sophomore Zach Cowdery's summer internship was not quite so normal. Cowdery worked as a worship intern at the Littleton C hurch of Christ in Centennial, Colorado. It started :\fay 29, 2016, and ended on Aug. l, 2016. \\'hile at his internship, he climbed ten J-1.,000-foot mountains. He said he hiked five of'the mountains on his own and hiked the other fi\·e with friends, other interns or his mentors. "I love being outdoors and hiking," Cowdery said...I just wanted to hike a lot this summer in my free time, so 1 mack the goal for myself. Ten wasn't a special number or anything. ljust thought it would be cool to say that I got to hike 10 ' l4crs' whi le I was in Colorado. It was a lot of fun." Cm,·dery said his first mountain climb was 011 ;\fount Birrstadt. His good friend and suitcmate from Harding. sophomore Robert StC\vart, li\·ed in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and drove to Centennial to climb with Coll'dery. '·\Ve \\'Oke up at 3 a.m., which was pretty gross, but the sun was already B_J· Leri rerguson starting to come up a bit and you could sec all the cool colors in the sky," Stewart said. Cowdery said he got to hike two of the mountains with his fellow intern, who was a tudent at Abilene Christian University, and a couple of kids from the youth group. Littleton Church of Christ's worship minister Kent Rogers said he was very impressed with Cowdery from the start of his imcrnship. "Zach was a' 14cr' beast last summer," R ogers said. "Every opportunity [he had, he used to go] hiking." Although climbing the 14,000-foot giants was a memorable experience during Cowdery's internship, he said the congregation members were rhc most unforgettable people. "The congregation was awesome," Cowdery said. "They were a lot of fun and very warm and welcoming. :\ly last Sunday, they [tlire\,] me a surprise going-away partv. Over the summer, I had inherited the name, '\ Vorship Boy,' so they had a big banner that said, '\ Ve'rc going to miss you, \\'orship Boy.' It was something really special to me.'· 'IOP I 10\ IOIU'. IT. \ Tl HF. ~ I'd