1. Hosts alumnus Jesse Hixson and senior Aaron Young entertain the audience. be.tween club performances on March 25, 2016, in the George S. Benson Auditorium. The four hosts became a tight-knit group during their time Jmparing for Spring Sing. I Photo by Ka;:.u Fujisawa 2. Phi Koppa Delta and friends perform their A;:.trc-themed show "Gold Hearted." Over 20 clubs and hundreds of students worked all semester to make the show o. success. I Photo by Kazu Fujisawa 3. Juniors Ronnie Clement> and .\·a1alie Smith take the ,J1ollighl in Delta .\ ·11·.1 >l11m· 011 .\larch 25, 20/G, in the r:eoi;tte S. Bnuon Auditorium. Their .1how, '·Delta .Vu i\10011," u·as 1•am/1ire-themed and rnpj)orted Court A.ppoi11ted Special Advornte1 of JU1ite C:01111~}'. I Photo~)' An::.u Fujisau a 4. Spring Sing hosts Hiuon and Lowe and w1iors Joung and Thomas Jl"illiam.1 perform their routine to introduce Delta .Vu'> 1•am/1ire-tlmned shom in addition to the hosts' peiformance dulie>. the)' were represen/nlil'fsfor !he uniz•eni(J' nnd 1 •ere required to a/lend a host re/real. I Photo by l,azu Fujisawa 5. Spring Sing hosts, ensemble and representatives from each club perform the final number "Heart of Rork 'N Roll." The theme, Retro-bution, was inspired by the 19 70s and 1980s, which was seen throughout the show from the costumes to the musical choices. I Photo b)' Aa::.u F1(ji1awa ',Pill\(; \ I\(, <ill( II